
class lsst.daf.butler.formatters.yaml.YamlFormatter(fileDescriptor: FileDescriptor, dataId: DataCoordinate, writeParameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, writeRecipes: dict[str, Any] | None = None)

Bases: FileFormatter

Formatter implementation for YAML files.

Attributes Summary


Default file extension to use for writing files.


Allow the normal yaml.dump to be used to write the YAML.


This formatter does not support any parameters

Attributes Documentation

extension: str | None = '.yaml'

Default file extension to use for writing files. None means that no modifications will be made to the supplied file extension. (str)

supportedWriteParameters: ClassVar[Set[str] | None] = frozenset({'unsafe_dump'})

Allow the normal yaml.dump to be used to write the YAML. Use this if you know that your class has registered representers.

unsupportedParameters: ClassVar[Set[str] | None] = None

This formatter does not support any parameters