
lsst.meas.algorithms.generateSkyObjects(mask, seed, config)

Generate a list of Footprints of sky objects

Sky objects don’t overlap with other objects. This is determined through the provided mask (in which objects are typically flagged as DETECTED).

Sky objects are positioned using a quasi-random Halton sequence number generator. This is a deterministic sequence that mimics a random trial and error approach whilst acting to minimize clustering of points for a given field of view. Up to nTrialSources points are generated, returning the first nSources that do not overlap with the mask.


Input mask plane, which identifies pixels to avoid for the sky objects.


Random number generator seed.


Configuration for finding sky objects.

skyFootprintslist of lsst.afw.detection.Footprint

Footprints of sky objects. Each will have a peak at the center of the sky object.