
class lsst.pipe.base.execution_reports.DatasetTypeExecutionReport(failed: set[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef] = <factory>, not_produced: set[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef] = <factory>, blocked: set[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef] = <factory>, n_produced: int = 0)

Bases: object

A report on the number of produced datasets as well as the status of missing datasets based on metadata.

A DatasetTypeExecutionReport is created for each DatasetType in a TaskExecutionReport.

Attributes Summary


Count of datasets produced (int).

Methods Summary


Summarize the DatasetTypeExecutionReport in a dictionary.

Attributes Documentation

n_produced: int = 0

Count of datasets produced (int).

Methods Documentation

to_summary_dict() dict[str, Any]

Summarize the DatasetTypeExecutionReport in a dictionary.


A count of the datasets with each outcome; the number of produced, failed, not_produced, and blocked DatasetTypes. See above for attribute descriptions.