
class lsst.utils.tests.ImportTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: TestCase

Test that the named packages can be imported and all files within that package.

The test methods are created dynamically. Callers must subclass this method and define the PACKAGES property.

Attributes Summary


Packages to be imported.


Files to be skipped importing; specified as key-value pairs.

Methods Summary


Attributes Documentation

PACKAGES: ClassVar[Iterable[str]] = ()

Packages to be imported.

SKIP_FILES: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Container[str]]] = {}

Files to be skipped importing; specified as key-value pairs.

The key is the package name and the value is a set of files names in that package to skip.

Note: Files with names not ending in .py or beginning with leading double underscores are always skipped.

Methods Documentation
