
lsst.ip.diffim.applyDcr(image, dcr, useInverse=False, splitSubfilters=False, **kwargs)

Shift an image along the X and Y directions.

image : numpy.ndarray

The input image to shift.

dcr : tuple

Shift calculated with calculateDcr. Uses numpy axes ordering (Y, X). If splitSubfilters is set, each element is itself a tuple of two float, corresponding to the DCR shift at the two wavelengths. Otherwise, each element is a float corresponding to the DCR shift at the effective wavelength of the subfilter.

useInverse : bool, optional

Apply the shift in the opposite direction. Default: False

splitSubfilters : bool, optional

Calculate DCR for two evenly-spaced wavelengths in each subfilter, instead of at the midpoint. Default: False


Additional keyword parameters to pass in to scipy.ndimage.interpolation.shift

shiftedImage : numpy.ndarray

A copy of the input image with the specified shift applied.