
class lsst.daf.butler.FileDataset(path: Union[str, ParseResult, ResourcePath, Path], refs: Union[DatasetRef, List[DatasetRef]], *, formatter: Optional[Union[str, Type[Formatter], Formatter]] = None)

Bases: object

A struct that represents a dataset exported to a file.

Attributes Summary


A Formatter class or fully-qualified name.


Path to the dataset (lsst.resources.ResourcePath or str).


Registry information about the dataset.

Attributes Documentation

formatter: Optional[Union[str, Type[Formatter], Formatter]]

A Formatter class or fully-qualified name.

path: Union[str, ResourcePath]

Path to the dataset (lsst.resources.ResourcePath or str).

If the dataset was exported with transfer=None (i.e. in-place), this is relative to the datastore root (only datastores that have a well-defined root in the local filesystem can be expected to support in-place exports). Otherwise this is relative to the directory passed to Datastore.export.

refs: List[DatasetRef]

Registry information about the dataset. (list of DatasetRef).