Getting started tutorial part 2: calibrating single frames with

This is part 2 of the getting started tutorial series. Before starting this tutorial, make sure you’ve completed the previous part.

In this part we’ll process individual raw HSC images in the Butler repository (which you assembled in part 1) into calibrated exposures. We’ll use the command line task to remove instrumental signatures with dark, bias and flat field calibration images. will also use the reference catalog to establish a preliminary WCS and photometric zeropoint solution.

Setup check

Let’s take a moment to make sure your command line environment is set up. Run:

eups list lsst_distrib

The printed output should contain the word setup. If not, review the installation tutorials on activating the environment and setting up lsst_distrib.

Your shell’s working directory also needs contain the Butler repository directory called DATA.

Let’s get back to it.

Reviewing what data will be processed can operate on a single image, or iterate over multiple images. Let’s do a dry-run to see what data will be processed in the Butler repository: DATA --rerun processCcdOutputs --id --show data

The important arguments here are --id and --show data.

The --id argument allows you to select images to process by their dataIds. Here, the plain --id argument acts as a wildcard that selects all data in the repository.

The --show data argument puts into a dry-run mode that lists the dataIds that would be processed according to the --id argument rather than processing the data.

When you run the above command, several lines will be printed, each a fully-qualified dataIds for raw images in the Butler repository. For example:

id dataRef.dataId = {'taiObs': '2013-06-17', 'pointing': 533, 'visit': 903334, 'dateObs': '2013-06-17', 'filter': 'HSC-R', 'field': 'STRIPE82L', 'ccd': 23, 'expTime': 30.0}

Notice the keys that describe each dataId, such as the visit (exposure identifier for the HSC camera), ccd (identifies a specific chip in the HSC camera) and filter, among others. With these keys you can select exactly what data we want to process. For example, here’s how to select just HSC-I-band images: DATA --rerun processCcdOutputs --id filter=HSC-I --show data

Now only dataIds for HSC-I images are printed. The --id argument supports a rich syntax for expressing dataIds by multiple selection criteria.


For this tutorial, we want to process all data in the repository with, so using the --id wildcard is appropriate. Let’s run DATA --rerun processCcdOutputs --id


While runs, let’s discuss the --rerun argument. In this step the outputs are being written to a rerun named processCcdOutputs.

Reruns allow you to isolate processing outputs in the Butler repository. You can run a command line task multiple times as different reruns to prevent one run from overwriting the other outputs. This is useful for experimenting with different configurations.

Next up

Continue this tutorial in part 3, where we’ll coadd these processed images into deeper mosaics.