
class lsst.pipe.base.ArgumentParser(name, usage='%(prog)s input [options]', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: argparse.ArgumentParser

Argument parser for command-line tasks that is based on argparse.ArgumentParser.


name : str

Name of top-level task; used to identify camera-specific override files.

usage : str, optional

Command-line usage signature.


Additional keyword arguments for argparse.ArgumentParser.


Users may wish to add additional arguments before calling parse_args.

Attributes Summary

requireOutput Require an output directory to be specified (bool).

Methods Summary

add_argument(dest, ...[, name, name])
add_argument_group(*args, **kwargs)
add_id_argument(name, datasetType, help[, ...]) Add a data ID argument.
convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line) Allow files of arguments referenced by @<path> to contain multiple values on each line.
error(message: string) Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and exits.
exit([status, message])
handleCamera(namespace) Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command-line.
parse_args(config[, args, log, override]) Parse arguments for a command-line task.
parse_known_args([args, namespace])
register(registry_name, value, object)

Attributes Documentation

requireOutput = True

Require an output directory to be specified (bool).

Methods Documentation

add_argument(dest, ..., name=value, ...) add_argument(option_string, option_string, ..., name=value, ...)
add_argument_group(*args, **kwargs)
add_id_argument(name, datasetType, help, level=None, doMakeDataRefList=True, ContainerClass=<class 'lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.DataIdContainer'>)[source]

Add a data ID argument.


name : str

Data ID argument (including leading dashes, if wanted).

datasetType : str or DynamicDatasetType-type

Type of dataset. Supply a string for a fixed dataset type. For a dynamically determined dataset type, supply a DynamicDatasetType, such a DatasetArgument.

help : str

Help string for the argument.

level : object, optional

Level of dataset, for the Butler.

doMakeDataRefList : bool, optional

If True (default), construct data references.

ContainerClass : class, optional

Data ID container class to use to contain results; override the default if you need a special means of computing data references from data IDs


If datasetType is an instance of DatasetArgument, then add a second argument to specify the dataset type.

The associated data is put into namespace.<> as an instance of ContainerClass; the container includes fields:

  • idList: a list of data ID dicts.
  • refList: a list of Butler data references (empty if doMakeDataRefList is False).

Allow files of arguments referenced by @<path> to contain multiple values on each line.


arg_line : str

Line of text read from an argument file.

error(message: string)[source]

Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and exits.

If you override this in a subclass, it should not return – it should either exit or raise an exception.

exit(status=0, message=None)[source]

Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command-line.


namespace : argparse.Namespace

Namespace (an ) with the following fields:

  • camera: the camera name.
  • config: the config passed to parse_args, with no overrides applied.
  • obsPkg: the obs_ package for this camera.
  • log: a lsst.log Log.


The default implementation does nothing.

parse_args(config, args=None, log=None, override=None)[source]

Parse arguments for a command-line task.


config : lsst.pex.config.Config

Config for the task being run.

args : list, optional

Argument list; if None then sys.argv[1:] is used.

log : lsst.log.Log, optional

Log instance; if None use the default log.

override : callable, optional

A config override function. It must take the root config object as its only argument and must modify the config in place. This function is called after camera-specific overrides files are applied, and before command-line config overrides are applied (thus allowing the user the final word).


namespace : argparse.Namespace

A Namespace instance containing fields:

  • camera: camera name.
  • config: the supplied config with all overrides applied, validated and frozen.
  • butler: a lsst.daf.persistence.Butler for the data.
  • An entry for each of the data ID arguments registered by add_id_argument, the value of which is a DataIdArgument that includes public elements idList and refList.
  • log: a lsst.log Log.
  • An entry for each command-line argument, with the following exceptions: - config is the supplied config, suitably updated. - configfile, id and loglevel are all missing.
  • obsPkg: name of the obs_ package for this camera.
parse_known_args(args=None, namespace=None)[source]
register(registry_name, value, object)