Tickets Addressed in Spring 2017 Release (v14_0)
DM-430 : Control log levels on a per-plugin basis [meas_base]
DM-903 : SourceDetectionTask should only add flags.negative if config.thresholdParity == “both” [meas_algorithms]
DM-2009 : Please add cbegin and cend to afw tables [afw]
DM-2186 : Move astrometry_net wrapper code from meas_astrom to a new package [jointcal, meas_astrom, obs_monocam, pipe_tasks]
DM-2840 : Add support for listing (async) queries [qserv]
DM-3245 : Add support for SUBMIT query parsing to czar [qserv]
DM-3804 : Fix order of arguments - run method of meas_base SingleFrameMeasurementTask [meas_algorithms, meas_astrom, meas_base, meas_extensions_simpleShape, pipe_tasks]
DM-4043 : update memory management in jointcal [jointcal]
DM-4141 : cmdLineTasks should provide proper unix return codes [pipe_base, pipe_drivers]
DM-4158 : Allow configuring more statistical options for [pipe_tasks]
DM-4232 : Variance is set after dark subtraction [ip_isr, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_subaru]
DM-4639 : modernize afw code and reduce doxygen errors [afw, ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_astrom, meas_base, meas_deblender]
DM-4953 : Please eliminate misleading warning when running scons on OSX with SIP [base]
DM-5126 : should directly install miniconda [lsst]
DM-5310 : Re-add fake source handling to ProcessCcdTask [pipe_tasks]
DM-5466 : obs_decam calibration ingest uses fragile relative paths [obs_decam, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks, testdata_decam]
DM-5637 : Add automated linting for GitHub pull requests [utils]
DM-5883 : Include more information in DECam registry [obs_decam]
DM-6626 : jointcal fails MemoryTestCase [jointcal]
DM-6718 : afw table and record should have useful str() and repr() [afw]
DM-7070 : Move consts from top of into JointcalConfig [jointcal]
DM-7177 : Document interface for new Footprints class [afw]
DM-7199 : afwTable’s .getX()/.getY() do not appear in dir() [afw]
DM-7237 : Review cat package [cat, db]
DM-7363 : convert stack packages from paf policy to yaml policy [daf_persistence, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_sdss, obs_subaru, obs_test]
DM-7457 : daf_persistence 3e6e15d fails build [daf_persistence]
DM-7468 : Work on Swift Butler Storage Trial [afw, daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-7477 : Increase mask plane size to 32 bits [afw, coadd_utils, ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_base, meas_deblender, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, obs_decam, obs_sdss, obs_subaru, pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks, utils]
DM-7611 : Implement spatially varying decorrelation kernel in ip_diffim [ip_diffim]
DM-7615 : Update tests in shapelet to support pytest [shapelet]
DM-7756 : Port pipe_drivers to Python 3 [pipe_drivers]
DM-7894 : mapper and butler queryMetadata method badly documented [daf_persistence]
DM-7913 : Implement RFC-240: make Angle’s named methods const… [afw, obs_sdss]
DM-8032 : Tighten testProcessCcd thresholds once background model is fixed [pipe_tasks]
DM-8105 : Missing test case for SpherePoint [afw]
DM-8106 : SpherePoint does not have move constructors/assignment [afw]
DM-8108 : Update stack code to use new Footprint API [afw, ip_diffim, ip_isr, meas_algorithms, meas_base, meas_deblender, meas_extensions_photometryKron, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, meas_modelfit, pipe_tasks]
DM-8145 : Implement spatially varying ZOGY [ip_diffim]
DM-8169 : Use -isystem (rather than -I) for include files from external packages [sconsUtils]
DM-8294 : Perform cleanup on /qserv partition on IN2P3 cluster [qserv]
DM-8355 : AssembleCcdTask failure with Python 2 [ip_isr]
DM-8439 : Add wrapper on astshim to take point lists [afw]
DM-8440 : Create new Wcs class [afw, astshim]
DM-8467 : Wrap lsst_distrib with pybind11 [afw, base, coadd_chisquared, coadd_utils, ctrl_orca, daf_base, daf_persistence, display_ds9, ip_diffim, ip_isr, log, lsst_apps, meas_algorithms, meas_astrom, meas_base, meas_deblender, meas_extensions_photometryKron, meas_extensions_psfex, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, meas_extensions_simpleShape, meas_modelfit, obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_sdss, obs_subaru, obs_test, pex_config, pex_exceptions, pex_policy, pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks, sconsUtils, shapelet, skymap, utils]
DM-8491 : Add Psf-matched CTEs and Coadds as independent data products in DRP [ip_diffim, obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_sdss, obs_subaru, pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks]
DM-8520 : Create single frame spatial grid mapper processing task [ip_diffim]
DM-8560 : Update Scons package to v3.0 [qserv, sconsUtils]
DM-8606 : Improve call signature for makeCameraPoint [afw]
DM-8650 : Add static code analysis for python [qserv]
DM-8686 : Change Child Repo Access to Parent Registries [daf_persistence, obs_base, obs_decam, obs_sdss, obs_subaru, obs_test, pipe_base, pipe_tasks]
DM-8688 : testPsfSelectTest fails when run with via pytest *.py
DM-8750 : eliminate jointcal compile warnings [jointcal]
DM-8823 : Create Pegasus plugin for Orca [ctrl_execute, ctrl_orca]
DM-8830 : Fix accounting for fraction of successful measurements [validate_drp]
DM-8842 : LeastSqFitter1d(…, unsigned int order) should be signed [meas_astrom]
DM-8914 : Improve container build in Jenkins [qserv]
DM-9019 : Advanced study on k8s (kubernetes) [qserv]
DM-9039 : reorder butler init to be more incremental when building Repositories [daf_persistence]
DM-9045 : Remove or revive bitrotted code in meas_modelfit [meas_modelfit]
DM-9049 : Enable autolinking in Doxygen [base]
DM-9050 : Add flags for sources used in astrometric and photometric calibration [meas_astrom, pipe_tasks]
DM-9060 : Add metadata access to get wcs, visitInfo, and calib from a calexp dataset [obs_base, obs_test]
DM-9111 : Add rotator information to HSC VisitInfo [afw, obs_lsstSim, obs_subaru, obs_test]
DM-9135 : bulk rename of jointcal variables [jointcal]
DM-9140 : Ensure __str__ and __repr__ copied from Swig [afw, meas_modelfit]
DM-9153 : Add metadata access to get filter, bbox, and detector [obs_base]
DM-9190 : Cleanup pybind11 remaining code [base, coadd_chisquared, coadd_utils, display_ds9, ip_diffim, ip_isr, meas_base, meas_extensions_photometryKron, meas_extensions_psfex, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, meas_extensions_simpleShape, obs_subaru, shapelet]
DM-9192 : Implement new spatially-variable PhotoCalib model [afw, meas_algorithms]
DM-9229 : Pad Psfs before PSF-matching [ip_diffim]
DM-9249 : Modify FlagHandler C++ and to make flag identification robust [ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_base, meas_extensions_photometryKron, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, meas_extensions_simpleShape, meas_modelfit]
DM-9261 : Update git-lfs repositories to address deprecations. [afwdata, testdata_cfht, testdata_decam, testdata_subaru]
DM-9281 : Wrap sphgeom with pybind11 instead of swig [sphgeom]
DM-9297 : Get jointcal to work with pytest [jointcal, obs_lsstSim]
DM-9315 : MarkCompleted threw an exception when a Tracked job could not be located. [qserv]
DM-9316 : meas_base tests broken with NumPy 1.12 [ip_diffim, meas_base, meas_deblender, meas_modelfit]
DM-9321 : Change qserv to use xrootd features to improve performance on interactive queries. [qserv]
DM-9353 : Update configuration for HSC calib construction [obs_subaru]
DM-9364 : wcs creation is mandatory [obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_sdss]
DM-9378 : remove and replace ctrl_events package dependencies from ctrl_orca [ctrl_execute, ctrl_orca]
DM-9394 : Add meas_extensions_convolved to lsst_distrib [lsst_distrib]
DM-9412 : Diffim datasets should specify a “level” [obs_base]
DM-9419 : lsst.log documentation should cite other lsst.log documentation [log]
DM-9423 : Port HSC patch to allow multiple filters in mosaic [obs_subaru]
DM-9431 : Please do not use Exception.message [obs_cfht]
DM-9433 : error code not working as intended [afw]
DM-9434 : Fix database creation error in [cat]
DM-9438 : Switch default reference catalog for HSC to PS1 in LSST format [obs_subaru]
DM-9439 : Package version checking is non-deterministic [base]
DM-9476 : ISR fails in overscan for HSC visit=90738 ccd=33 [obs_subaru]
DM-9495 : Fix all jointcal header multiple-inclusion #defines [jointcal]
DM-9502 : SpherePoint throws wrong exception for invalid arguments [afw]
DM-9504 : lsst_py3 CI failure due to meas_extensions_ngmix [afw]
DM-9506 : Make astrometry distortion model configurable [jointcal]
DM-9520 : Remove example from Stack (for now) [pipe_tasks]
DM-9521 : Remove example from Stack (for now) [ip_isr]
DM-9523 : update lsstsw/newinstall EUPS version [lsst]
DM-9526 : add tarball production to weekly tag/release jenkins’ job [lsst]
DM-9531 : Fix override warnings in afw [afw]
DM-9541 : Bug related to MPI pickling when running coaddDriver [ctrl_pool]
DM-9553 : Investigate the best algorithm to compute derivatives for the Brighter-Fatter correction [ip_isr]
DM-9556 : All NaNs in coord_ra and coord_dec columns in deepCoadd forced src tables [meas_base, meas_extensions_photometryKron, meas_modelfit, pipe_tasks]
DM-9564 : Set assembled Coadd Psf to modelPsf with auto-computed dimensions [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]
DM-9567 : Create Donut Fit Pipeline [afw, obs_base, obs_subaru]
DM-9572 : Include instrument model in cameraGeom [afw, obs_base, obs_subaru]
DM-9574 : Log all measurement exceptions at debug level [meas_base]
DM-9577 : Ignore focus CCDs in singleFrameDriver [obs_subaru]
DM-9595 : Allow Transform to return its inverse [afw, astshim]
DM-9598 : Allow Transform to return a matrix of derivatives [afw]
DM-9599 : Support concatenation of Transforms [afw, astshim]
DM-9629 : Research: how to implement spatially varying PSF for spatially-varying ZOGY and AL(decorrelated) [ip_diffim]
DM-9669 : Butler(root=”foo”) should not warn about mapper class instance [daf_persistence]
DM-9670 : Reduce the time it takes to send a user query to workers. [qserv]
DM-9672 : Query deployment to the cluster hangs with very large number of chunks. [qserv]
DM-9706 : WISE object ids are strings and this is causing a problem with qserv [qserv]
DM-9747 : Fix build error in obs_lsstSim [pipe_tasks]
DM-9750 : Clean up and stackify matchPessimisticB code [meas_astrom]
DM-9751 : Verify the performance of new matchPessimisticB code on selected test fields [meas_algorithms, meas_astrom]
DM-9752 : Add jointcal to lsst_distrib [lsst_distrib]
DM-9757 : Add stat table usage options to mysql config file [qserv]
DM-9764 : SOURCE_IO_NO_FOOTPRINTS and related enums should be properly wrapped in pybind11 [afw, meas_base]
DM-9765 : Suspicious numerical precision code in Angle [afw]
DM-9776 : Install Kubernetes at CC-IN2P3 [qserv]
DM-9783 : Improve documentation of processing example data sets with validate_drp [validate_drp]
DM-9794 : Pass both LSST_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in scons on Mac OS [sconsUtils]
DM-9795 : CModel priors are weighted incorrectly relative to likelihood [meas_modelfit, obs_subaru]
DM-9806 : update lsstsw/newinstall to EUPS 2.1.2 [lsst]
DM-9810 : Make PSFEx oversampling configurable [meas_extensions_psfex, obs_subaru]
DM-9811 : Add 1.3 arcsec target seeing for convolved flux measurement [obs_subaru]
DM-9812 : Clean up outputs from CharacterizeImageTask and CalibrateTask [meas_astrom, obs_base, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]
DM-9828 : Enable rectangular binSizes in SubtractBackgroundTask [meas_algorithms]
DM-9829 : validate_drp broken on decam dataset as of 03/15 [validate_drp]
DM-9846 : Improve handling of error messages [astshim]
DM-9848 : obs_subaru test failures possibly related to daf_persistence [daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-9853 : Clean up makeVisitInfo docstring [afw]
DM-9855 : Select images for coadd based on PSF quality. [obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]
DM-9856 : Add option to deblender to turn off smoothing. [meas_deblender]
DM-9862 : Update meas_mosaic’s wcs/fcr output files to reflect LSST coordinate system [afw, meas_astrom]
DM-9863 : Replace use of makeVisitInfo(… with VisitInfo(…) [ip_isr, obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_subaru, obs_test, pipe_tasks]
DM-9866 : Make change to remove flagDecorator (RFC-302) [meas_base]
DM-9871 : Move wcs and fcr datasets out of {pointing} directory in obs_subaru [obs_subaru]
DM-9872 : Validation of obs_comcam [obs_base]
DM-9874 : Increase matcher.numBrightStars [obs_subaru]
DM-9882 : Add integrate interface to BoundedField/ChebyshevBoundedField [afw]
DM-9885 : Rename deepCoadd_srcMatch as deepCoadd_measMatch [obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_sdss, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]
DM-9895 : FrameSet frames not preserved by Transform(frameSet) constructor [afw]
DM-9897 : conda channel errors causing lsstsw/bin/deploy to fail [lsst]
DM-9899 : FrameSet.permAxes will fail if nIn != nOut [astshim]
DM-9905 : Change WARN to DEBUG for raw data without a WCS [ip_isr]
DM-9909 : hsc cat format change breaks processing of validation_data_hsc [validate_drp]
DM-9917 : Add a callback to cameraGeom.showCamera [afw]
DM-9918 : Robustify sqlite use [daf_persistence]
DM-9925 : PolyTran should not provide an iterative inverse by default [astshim]
DM-9939 : Stop transposing data in Mapping.tranForward and tranInverse [afw, astshim]
DM-9946 : Remove debugging example [astshim]
DM-9952 : Change our interpretation of FITS HDUs to be 0-indexed [afw, obs_base]
DM-9961 : Add treecorr to validate_drp and lsst_ci dependencies [validate_drp]
DM-9967 : ctrl_pool should not accept a default for –time on real batch systems [ctrl_pool]
DM-9974 : Correct scheduling for certain interactive queries [qserv]
DM-9985 : Reduce Wcs pickle size [afw]
DM-9986 : Add a persistable for PropertyList
DM-9990 : Update Detector information as needed [afw, ip_isr]
DM-9998 : Enable fake sources on coadds [pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks]
DM-10000 : Create/revive CModel model data residuals display [meas_modelfit]
DM-10004 : Write brief guide to building PSF-matched coadds [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]
DM-10006 : Don’t overwrite Filter/Detector in _standardizeExposure [obs_base]
DM-10008 : MapBox.maxOutCoord not set to nout if specified as 0 during construction [astshim]
DM-10009 : Ensure masks are valid from ImageMapReduceTask [ip_diffim]
DM-10039 : Incorrect docs for CatalogCalculationConfig [meas_base]
DM-10042 : Update mariadb statistics on 35TB dataset [qserv]
DM-10069 : Remove boost_thread Qserv dependency [qserv]
DM-10091 : Fix problems left over from DM-9952 [afw, daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-10093 : Revert disabling of meas_modelfit dependency in lsst_apps [lsst_apps]
DM-10096 : Add unit test asserts for SpherePoint, SpherePointList and PointList [afw, ip_diffim, ip_isr, meas_algorithms, meas_astrom, meas_base, meas_extensions_simpleShape, obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsstSim, obs_test, pipe_tasks, shapelet, skymap]
DM-10100 : Add qhttp C++ HTTP server library to qserv builds [qserv]
DM-10101 : bad exception handling in afw for python3 [afw]
DM-10105 : Inconsistency in meas/forced wcs leads to CModel failure [afw]
DM-10108 : Stop wrapping __div__ for BoundedField [afw]
DM-10116 : Add ChebyMap to astshim [astshim]
DM-10146 : Fix minor doc typos [astshim]
DM-10193 : Remove subaruLib import from crosstalkYagi [obs_subaru]
DM-10206 : Fix obs_decam compatibility with 0-indexed HDUs [obs_decam]
DM-10212 : Check memory locking in containers [qserv]
DM-10221 : Allow –id to use any key in the registry [pipe_base]
DM-10226 : Fix code layout in jointcal [jointcal]
DM-10229 : pipe_base tests try to write to obs_test [pipe_base]
DM-10231 : FileForWriteOnceCompareSame does not respect umask [daf_persistence]
DM-10233 : getInfoFromMetadata() throws away errors without warning. [pipe_tasks]
DM-10235 : Bug in coaddDriver when selecting images by PSF quality. [obs_subaru]
DM-10237 : Error in blendedness debiasing calculation [meas_base]
DM-10252 : getOutputId() assumes keys will exist, and doesn’t use butler to retrieve them [pipe_drivers]
DM-10253 : Construct master calibs for obs_ctio0m9 [pipe_drivers]
DM-10257 : Fix compiler warnings in afw [afw]
DM-10263 : Add libcurl to qserv eups table file [qserv]
DM-10265 : Include table persistence docs in Doxygen listing for afw [afw]
DM-10267 : Port HSC support for PostgreSQL registries to LSST [daf_persistence, obs_base, pipe_tasks]
DM-10268 : Butler cannot read a repo using the realpath when it was created with a link [daf_persistence]
DM-10270 : isrTask does not provide config option for defects [ip_isr]
DM-10271 : Fix order of operations when using temporary local backgrounds in detection [afw, meas_algorithms]
DM-10274 : Transform is not assignable [afw]
DM-10281 : compiler warnings in astshim [astshim]
DM-10283 : Add ability to join different databases. [qserv]
DM-10286 : Update cmake in qserv base containers to latest from jessie-backports [qserv]
DM-10287 : Add measurement plugin to store footprint area [meas_base]
DM-10288 : afwImage.TanWcs.cast() not supported anymore in jointcalCoadd [jointcal]
DM-10289 : record.setValidPolygon(xxx) does not accept None as a valid input anymore [afw]
DM-10292 : The FrameSet returned by Transform.getFrameSet can change the contained FrameSet in Python [afw]
DM-10297 : Fix “double treerings” [obs_decam, pipe_tasks]
DM-10308 : Add support for box regions and magnitudes in brightObjectMasks [pipe_tasks]
DM-10314 : Uprade to kubernetes/kubeadm v1.6.1 on openstack [qserv]
DM-10315 : Mask bad channels in ccd=33 [obs_subaru]
DM-10328 : len(propertySet) throws an exception in Python [daf_base]
DM-10336 : DM-10271 seems to have broken afw [afw]
DM-10338 : Mix of tabs and spaces in breaks meas_base builds [meas_base]
DM-10340 : parent repository properties are dropped when loaded via child repositories. [daf_persistence, obs_test]
DM-10347 : Please fix the typo in afw/display/ [afw]
DM-10359 : Reconstruct measurement pixels from a SourceRecord [meas_base]
DM-10374 : Recover and load SDSS PDAC metadata [cat]
DM-10381 : Enhance test for meas_deblender’s clipFootprintToNonzeroImpl [meas_deblender]
DM-10386 : Add Constructor documentation to Footprints [afw]
DM-10392 : Upgrade kubernetes/docker on cc-in2p3 cluster [qserv]
DM-10393 : correct variable name in sites.xml template [ctrl_platform_lsstvc]
DM-10394 : astshim attribute page titles have Doxygen commands [astshim]
DM-10401 : getPackageDir raises RuntimeError instead of pex::exceptions::NotFoundError [utils]
DM-10410 : Update starlink_ast [astshim]
DM-10426 : Identify stable version of kubernetes and docker on openstack [qserv]
DM-10429 : Write a version of the warper that uses SkyWcs and compare performance [afw]
DM-10430 : Add time stamps to the standard outputs to BatchCmdLineTask [ctrl_pool]
DM-10438 : Add DCR model data types [obs_base, obs_test]
DM-10448 : Use 79 character line length in utils [sconsUtils]
DM-10449 : Restore bad pixel masks [obs_subaru]
DM-10451 : Activate CModel prior fix [obs_subaru]
DM-10452 : Create bboxFromIraf function in obs_base utils [obs_base]
DM-10453 : Fix bugs in matchPessimisticB [meas_astrom]
DM-10469 : Add support for pipe_analysis in obs_subaru [obs_subaru]
DM-10485 : Protected methods should not use private method naming convention [astshim]
DM-10487 : obs_cfht needs to be updated in order to be compatible with latest CFHT data [obs_cfht]
DM-10490 : Cache camera in HscMapper [obs_subaru]
DM-10496 : sometimes segfaults [astshim]
DM-10497 : Fix minor typos in main.dox [pipe_base]
DM-10504 : Make more stringent cuts to input visits for HSC [pipe_tasks]
DM-10505 : Robustify validate_drp fitting and catching errors. [validate_drp]
DM-10506 : Run blendedness by default [meas_base]
DM-10508 : Remove writing of warped template added in DM-8145 [ip_diffim]
DM-10510 : Squash some compiler warnings in afw [afw]
DM-10514 : Check qserv/qserv:dev works correctly [qserv]
DM-10521 : Create script to produce release performance table [validate_drp]
DM-10525 : Fix xrootd random crash [qserv]
DM-10526 : should not default to using tarball binary packages [lsst]
DM-10530 : don’t set filter if the filter ID is not UNKNOWN (instead of testing if filter is None) [obs_base]
DM-10535 : Incomplete subchunk list causing query to fail. [sphgeom]
DM-10541 : Add properties to image classes [afw, obs_base]
DM-10542 : Replace XYTransform::linearizeTransform [afw]
DM-10552 : Upgrade display_firefly to work with more servers [afw]
DM-10558 : disable or remove butler caching [daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-10559 : afw.image.makeWcs() returns null pointer without warning [afw]
DM-10561 : Switch to LSST capitalization and properties in Python [afw, astshim]
DM-10562 : Provide POC for bundling xrootd as a microservice [qserv]
DM-10574 : Hit AssertionError in deblender [meas_deblender]
DM-10575 : obs_decam build takes 10 minutes [obs_decam]
DM-10587 : newinstall creates faulty loadLSST.csh file [lsst]
DM-10598 : Include pixels flags in forced measurement [meas_base]
DM-10602 : Cancel a user query when the result becomes too large. [qserv]
DM-10608 : Disable Config history [log, pex_config]
DM-10610 : Optimise SpanSet components used by CModel [afw]
DM-10621 : ArgumentParser’s butler doesn’t output calibs in the calib storage [pipe_base]
DM-10623 : Mismatching dataId in logger output [log, pipe_base]
DM-10633 : Increase CmdLineTask multiprocessing timeout [pipe_base]
DM-10686 : RingsSkyMap.findAllTracts() behaves oddly at poles [skymap]
DM-10728 : Near-term jointcal acceptance: make jointcal and meas_mosaic use the same output formats [afw, daf_persistence, obs_base, obs_subaru]
DM-10729 : Near-term jointcal acceptance: make validate_drp use meas_mosaic outputs [afw, validate_drp]
DM-10734 : Fix InfileMerger queryIdStr [qserv]
DM-10737 : Make meas_mosaic use new reference catalogs by default [obs_subaru]
DM-10749 : New filters for HSC [obs_subaru]
DM-10751 : Fix module versions [base, ctrl_pool, meas_base, meas_deblender, meas_extensions_psfex, obs_decam, obs_subaru, pipe_base, pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks, shapelet, skymap]
DM-10760 : Switch warpType from enum to strings [pipe_tasks]
DM-10764 : Rename Transform::of and Mapping::of to ::then [afw, astshim]
DM-10767 : fix py3 build after tickets/DM-7363 [daf_persistence]
DM-10777 : Create TransformBoundedField [afw, astshim]
DM-10778 : Add metadata access for Filter [obs_base, obs_test]
DM-10785 : setBrightObjectMasks does not properly construct footprint. [pipe_tasks]
DM-10799 : Rename Transform::tranForward to applyForward [afw, astshim]
DM-10803 : Refactor grid generation in ImageMapReduceTask [ip_diffim]
DM-10804 : Spatially-varying A&L decorrelation option [ip_diffim]
DM-10808 : Add defect on ccd=43 [obs_subaru]
DM-10818 : Fix array continuity for ndims > 2 in FITS writing [afw]
DM-10834 : CmdLineTask -j multiprocessing hangs with long data ID lists [afw]
DM-10835 : Add color terms for NB filters [obs_subaru]
DM-10837 : Fix eimageIsr import [obs_lsstSim]
DM-10846 : Enable automatic printing of C++ backtrace on segfault [sconsUtils, utils]
DM-10871 : Add unit test for MDC overwriting [log]
DM-10901 : Support not needing to specify all fields when creating calibrations. [pipe_drivers]
DM-10905 : Add jobId and retry number to result tables. [qserv]
DM-10924 : Add verify (and verify_metrics) to lsst_distrib [lsst_distrib]
DM-10926 : Incompatibility with NumPy 1.13 [afw]
DM-10930 : Robustify tests/ [daf_persistence]
DM-10931 : Fix variable name bug and remove print statements in matchPessimisticB. [meas_astrom]
DM-10939 : Fix macOS compilation problems with Qserv [log, qserv]
DM-10942 : MatrixMap with all zeros cannot be simplified [astshim]
DM-10943 : References to TranForward and TranInverse are confusing [astshim]
DM-10945 : update eups to 2.1.3 to improve tarball package installation [lsst]
DM-10946 : Non-square MatrixMap composed with a ShiftMap cannot be simplified [astshim]
DM-10947 : Allow linearizeTransform and affineTransform to simplify their mappings [afw]
DM-10953 : Give ModelPsfMatchTask ablilty to match to all PSF types [afw, ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_extensions_psfex]
DM-10965 : FootprintSet setter unable to accept results from getter [afw]
DM-10970 : Remove rows from cancelled jobs from the result table [qserv]
DM-10971 : Switch to using jemalloc. [qserv]
DM-10973 : Make SkyWcs transform to IcrsCoord instead of SpherePoint [afw]
DM-10997 : remove dependencies on lsst package [lsst_distrib]
DM-11008 : Unable to construct CoaddBoundedFieldElement without a validPolygon [meas_algorithms]
DM-11009 : Automatic backtrace printing is unhelpful [utils]
DM-11010 : Footprint.transform may be transforming the wrong position [afw]
DM-11022 : Create HSC calibs for 2016 September - 2017 April [pipe_tasks]
DM-11026 : Remove use of PsfAttributes from image subtraction tasks [datarel, ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]
DM-11031 : Expand defect mask on HSC ccd=43 [obs_subaru]
DM-11033 : Problem with exists/getStorage() with composite datatypes [daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-11051 : Change logger level for wcs warning [afw]
DM-11052 : Enhance afw table to support variable-length string data [afw]
DM-11090 : Identify regression in HSC astrometric matching success rate between w_2017_17 and w_2017_25 [obs_subaru]
DM-11091 : Fix multibandDriver attempting to run detection when no data present [pipe_drivers]
DM-11095 : Add reference catalog flux support to photometry fitter [jointcal, testdata_jointcal]
DM-11136 : Fine-tune calib construction mechanics [obs_base, pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks]
DM-11137 : testSafeFileIO fails with too many open files on Python 3 and Terminal [daf_persistence]
DM-11159 : Push to docker-hub containers produced by Travis continuous integration [qserv]
DM-11163 : Always create VisitInfo from metadata when available [obs_base]
DM-11164 : Write suitable metadata for VisitInfo when writing calibrations [pipe_drivers]
DM-11166 : Fix typo in log message [obs_base]
DM-11172 : Test cancellation code for failed worker or network connection. [qserv]
DM-11190 : Immediate return for qserv disconnected queries [qserv]
DM-11191 : Result retrieval for qserv disconnected queries [qserv]
DM-11196 : Move yaml camera model to obs_base [obs_base]
DM-11215 : Enable to run from JSON file. [validate_drp]
DM-11217 : Butler+CmdLineTask cannot output to a (non-repo) folder where some files already exist [daf_persistence, obs_decam]
DM-11218 : should put the registry in the output directory [pipe_tasks]
DM-11219 : Please add an option –ignore-ingested to [pipe_tasks]
DM-11220 : should not stop after failing to ingest a file [pipe_tasks]
DM-11224 : Problems setting noclaim shutdown time via [ctrl_platform_lsstvc]
DM-11236 : Image constructors do not obey INHERIT [afw, obs_decam]
DM-11237 : Please turn down verbosity of test [afw]
DM-11243 : Refine PSF-based image selection [pipe_tasks]
DM-11251 : add support for the standardize function for composite datasets [daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-11267 : Add an option to not interpolate over saturated pixels [ip_isr]
DM-11269 : Please move “Empty WCS extension, using FITS header” from INFO to DEBUG [afw]
DM-11277 : Use posix interpretation of empty globs when ingesting [pipe_tasks]
DM-11280 : Update configs missed in DM-10469 [obs_subaru]
DM-11284 : Butler writes many copies of identical entries _parents to repositoryCfg.yaml [daf_persistence, obs_base]
DM-11289 : RepositoryArgs needs to check that mapperArgs is dict-like [daf_persistence]
DM-11296 : Butler loading registry messages are at inconsistent logging levels [obs_base]
DM-11300 : Fix kwargs passing (outputPrefix is None error) in validate_drp [validate_drp]
DM-11302 : Include DATE-OBS in calibration products headers [pipe_drivers]
DM-11306 : Remove pre-pybind11 hack from CalibTask.updateMetadata [pipe_drivers]
DM-11326 : Add <exposure>_bbox dataset [afw, obs_base]
DM-11335 : obs_cfht tests fall over due to -9999.9 for TELEAZ for calibs [obs_cfht]
DM-11338 : Make choice of interpolation kernel for CoaddPsf configurable [meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]
DM-11339 : Fix weirdly formatted check_astronomy plots [validate_drp]
DM-11351 : Fix display’s writeBasicFits for MaskX change (used by e.g. display_ds9) [afw]
DM-11352 : Display a Wcs for the 0-indexed pixel coordinates when no other Wcs is present [afw]
DM-11353 : afw.cameraGeom.makeUpdatedDetector sometimes offsets amplifier bboxes when flipping [afw]
DM-11354 : Make afwDisplay callback message cut-and-pastable [afw]
DM-11360 : CatalogCalculation plugins can get added in non deterministic order [meas_base]
DM-11369 : ValueError from SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask.detectClip [pipe_tasks]
DM-11378 : Remove config option to make PSF-matched warps with old and wrong order of operations [pipe_tasks]
DM-11388 : Update in validate_drp/config to get new location LoadAstrometryNetTask [validate_drp]
DM-11403 : Adapt to new exit feature in pipe_base [ctrl_pool]
DM-11410 : validate_drp incorrectly outputs filenames as ‘_<filter>.json’ [validate_drp]
DM-11411 : On python3 sys.platform is linux and not linux2 [qserv]
DM-11421 : Fix unicode support in obs_lsstSim [obs_lsstSim]
DM-11429 : tests/ fails on 2017-07-31 “master” [afw]
DM-11442 : afw fails to install via eups if afwData not installed [afw]
DM-11454 : Modify UnitNormMap to round trip zero-length vectors [astshim]
DM-11463 : validate_drp plotPhotErrModelFit gives wrong units for sigmaSys [validate_drp]
DM-11467 : Fix docker image name generated with travis-ci [qserv]
DM-11487 : Fix OSX flakiness in qhttp unit test [qserv]
DM-11514 : Modify sconsUtils to use pytest for test execution [afw, jointcal, meas_base, meas_extensions_photometryKron, pex_config, verify]
DM-11514 : Modify sconsUtils to use pytest for test execution [afw]
DM-11518 : Modify db tests to support pytest [db]
DM-11538 : fix a few C++ compiler warns [qserv]
DM-11539 : meas_base depends on global state [meas_base]
DM-11574 : Make testDistortion test the distortion [obs_subaru]
DM-11579 : Support LOCAL and PARENT in bounding box syntactic sugar [afw]
DM-11585 : Add pytest support to packages [coadd_chisquared, coadd_utils, ctrl_execute, ctrl_orca, meas_extensions_simpleShape, meas_modelfit, pex_exceptions, pipe_base, skymap, utils, validate_drp]
DM-11589 : pipe_tasks unit test fails under pytest [pipe_tasks]
DM-11593 : Migrate qserv to pybind11 [qserv]
DM-11594 : test_distortion fails when run from pytest [obs_subaru]
DM-11595 : daf_persistence tests fail with pytest-xdist [daf_persistence]
DM-11599 : Migrate qserv LUA wrapper from SWIG to native C API [qserv]
DM-11607 : obs_base fails with pytest-xdist [obs_base]
DM-11625 : Bug in calculation of number-of-detected-in-bands in peak culling [pipe_tasks]
DM-11628 : Fix minor bugs in peak culling [pipe_tasks]
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Financial support for LSST comes from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through Cooperative Agreement No. 1258333, the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515, and private funding raised by the LSST Corporation . The NSF-funded LSST Project Office for construction was established as an operating center under management of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA ). The DOE-funded effort to build the LSST camera is managed by the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC ).