Setting up installed LSST Science Pipelines

Whenever you start a new command-line shell you need to set up the LSST Science Pipelines software before you can use it.

Setting up

Setting the LSST Science Pipelines in a shell is a two-step process:

  1. Load the LSST environment by sourcing the loadLSST script in your installation directory:

    source loadLSST.bash # for bash
    source loadLSST.csh  # for csh
    source loadLSST.ksh  # for ksh
    source loadLSST.zsh  # for zsh


    These installation are for installations. For lsstsw, follow these instructions instead.

  2. Set up a top-level package:

    setup <package>

    For example, setup lsst_apps or setup lsst_distrib. See Top-level packages to install for more about LSST’s top-level packages.

Listing what packages are set up

To see what packages (and their versions) are currently set up:

setup list -s

To see all packages that are installed, even if not currently set up, run:

setup list