RedHat / CentOS system prerequisitesΒΆ

First install the packages required to build the distribution products:

yum install bison curl blas bzip2-devel bzip2 flex fontconfig \
    freetype-devel gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran git libuuid-devel \
    libXext libXrender libXt-devel make openssl-devel patch perl \
    readline-devel tar zlib-devel ncurses-devel cmake glib2-devel \
    java-1.8.0-openjdk gettext perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker \

Prefix the yum command with sudo if necessary.

Then install the CentOS Linux Software Collections release file:

yum install centos-release-scl

And finally the latest compiler packages:

yum install devtoolset-6-gcc-gfortran centos-release-scl devtoolset-6-gcc devtoolset-6-gcc-c++

Activate the compiler provided by devtoolset-6 as follows:

scl enable devtoolset-6 bash

Check that the gcc compiler is version 6.3 or later.

Now you are ready to proceed with the installation.


New since 15.0: The gcc compiler to be used must support C++ 14. The gcc compiler version used in both Red Hat / CentOS 6 and 7 to verify the LSST Science Pipelines 15.0 distribution is gcc 6.3.1, provided by devtoolset-6.