
The ap_association package provides tools for associating DIAObjects to DIASources, persisting this association, and computing DIAObject summary statistics.


lsst.ap.association is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the ap_association component.

Python API reference

lsst.ap.association Package


getCcdVisitSchemaSql() Define the schema for the CcdVisit table.
make_minimal_dia_object_schema([filter_names]) Define and create the minimal schema required for a DIAObject.
make_minimal_dia_source_schema() Define and create the minimal schema required for a DIASource.


AssociationConfig Config class for AssociationTask.
AssociationDBSqliteConfig Configuration parameters for the AssociationDBSqliteTask
AssociationDBSqliteTask(**kwargs) Enable storage of and reading of DIAObjects and DIASources from a sqlite database.
AssociationL1DBProtoConfig Configuration parameters for the AssociationL1DBProtoTask.
AssociationL1DBProtoTask(**kwargs) Task wrapping lsst.dax.ppdb enabling it to be used in ap_association.
AssociationTask(**kwargs) Associate DIAOSources into existing DIAObjects.
SqliteDBConverter(schema, table_name) Class for defining conversions to and from an sqlite database and afw SourceRecord objects.