
class lsst.obs.base.CalibrationMapping(datasetType, policy, registry, calibRegistry, calibRoot, dataRoot=None, **kwargs)

Bases: lsst.obs.base.Mapping

CalibrationMapping is a Mapping subclass for calibration-type products.

The difference is that data properties in the query or template can be looked up using a reference Mapping in addition to this one.

CalibrationMapping Policies can contain the following:

reference (string, optional)
a list of tables for finding missing dataset identifier components (including the observation time, if a validity range is required) in the exposure registry; note that the “tables” entry refers to the calibration registry
refCols (string, optional)
a list of dataset properties required from the reference tables for lookups in the calibration registry
validRange (bool)
true if the calibration dataset has a validity range specified by a column in the tables of the reference dataset in the exposure registry) and two columns in the tables of this calibration dataset in the calibration registry)
obsTimeName (string, optional)
the name of the column in the reference dataset tables containing the observation time (default “taiObs”)
validStartName (string, optional)
the name of the column in the calibration dataset tables containing the start of the validity range (default “validStart”)
validEndName (string, optional)
the name of the column in the calibration dataset tables containing the end of the validity range (default “validEnd”)
datasetType : str

Butler dataset type to be mapped.

policy : daf_persistence.Policy or pexPolicy.Policy

Mapping Policy (pexPolicy only for backward compatibility)

registry : lsst.obs.base.Registry

Registry for metadata lookups

calibRegistry : lsst.obs.base.Registry

Registry for calibration metadata lookups.

calibRoot : str

Path of calibration root directory.

dataRoot : str

Path of data root directory; used for outputs only.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

have(properties, dataId) Returns whether the provided data identifier has all the properties in the provided list.
keys() Return the dict of keys and value types required for this mapping.
lookup(properties, dataId) Look up properties for in a metadata registry given a partial dataset identifier.
map(mapper, dataId[, write]) Standard implementation of map function.
need(properties, dataId) Ensures all properties in the provided list are present in the data identifier, looking them up as needed.
standardize(mapper, item, dataId)

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

have(properties, dataId)

Returns whether the provided data identifier has all the properties in the provided list.

properties : list of `str

Properties required.

dataId : dict

Dataset identifier.


True if all properties are present.


Return the dict of keys and value types required for this mapping.

lookup(properties, dataId)

Look up properties for in a metadata registry given a partial dataset identifier.

properties : list of str

Properties to look up.

dataId : dict

Dataset identifier.

`list` of `tuple`

Values of properties.

map(mapper, dataId, write=False)

Standard implementation of map function.

mapper: `lsst.daf.persistence.Mapper`

Object to be mapped.

dataId: `dict`

Dataset identifier.


Location of object that was mapped.

need(properties, dataId)

Ensures all properties in the provided list are present in the data identifier, looking them up as needed. This is only possible for the case where the data identifies a single exposure.

properties : list of str

Properties required.

dataId : dict

Partial dataset identifier


Copy of dataset identifier with enhanced values.

standardize(mapper, item, dataId)