Class lsst::meas::modelfit::TruncatedGaussian

class TruncatedGaussian

Represents a multidimensional Gaussian function truncated at zero.

This is typically used to represent the posterior probability of amplitude parameters, given a flat prior; we require that the amplitudes each be positive but otherwise do not modify the Gaussian likelihood.

Currently only 1 and 2 dimensions are supported, and all dimensions must be truncated. Computing integrals is the only operation for which > 2-d is not implemented, but the integrals must be computed upon construction, so we can’t support any other operations for > 2-d either.

Many operations on TruncatedGaussians are defined in -log space, as underflow/overflow problems will often occur in the non-log forms.

See modelfitTruncatedGaussianMath for implementation notes