Namespace lsst::afw::image

namespace image


typedef std::int32_t MaskPixel

default type for Masks and MaskedImage Masks

typedef float VariancePixel

default type for MaskedImage variance images


enum ImageOrigin


enum xOrY


enum RotType

Type of rotation.



Rotation angle is unknown. Note: if there is no instrument rotator then it is better to compute SKY or HORIZON and use that rotation type rather than specify UNKNOWN.


Position angle of focal plane +Y, measured from N through E. At 0 degrees, +Y is along N and +X is along E/W depending on handedness. At 90 degrees, +Y is along E and +X is along S/N depending on handedness.


Position angle of focal plane +Y, measured from +Alt through +Az. At 0 degrees, +Y is along +Alt and +X is along +/-Az, depending on handedness. At 90 degrees, +Y is along +Az and +X is along -/+Alt, depending on handedness.


The position sent to the instrument rotator; the details depend on the rotator.


double abMagFromFlux(double flux)

Compute AB magnitude from flux in Janskys.

double abMagErrFromFluxErr(double fluxErr, double flux)

Compute AB magnitude error from flux and flux error in Janskys.

double fluxFromABMag(double mag)

Compute flux in Janskys from AB magnitude.

double fluxErrFromABMagErr(double magErr, double mag)

Compute flux error in Janskys from AB magnitude error and AB magnitude.

template<typename T>
ndarray::Array<T, 1> abMagFromFlux(ndarray::Array<T const, 1> const &flux)

Compute AB magnitude from flux in Janskys.

template<typename T>
ndarray::Array<T, 1> abMagErrFromFluxErr(ndarray::Array<T const, 1> const &fluxErr, ndarray::Array<T const, 1> const &flux)

Compute AB magnitude error from flux and flux error in Janskys.

template<typename T>
ndarray::Array<T, 1> fluxFromABMag(ndarray::Array<T const, 1> const &mag)

Compute flux in Janskys from AB magnitude.

template<typename T>
ndarray::Array<T, 1> fluxErrFromABMagErr(ndarray::Array<T const, 1> const &magErr, ndarray::Array<T const, 1> const &mag)

Compute flux error in Janskys from AB magnitude error and AB magnitude.

template<typename ImagePixelT, typename MaskPixelT, typename VariancePixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Exposure<ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT>> makeExposure(MaskedImage<ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT> &mimage, std::shared_ptr<geom::SkyWcs const> wcs = std::shared_ptr<geom::SkyWcs const>())


A function to return an Exposure of the correct type (cf. std::make_pair)

template<typename LhsPixelT, typename RhsPixelT>
Image<LhsPixelT> &operator+=(Image<LhsPixelT> &lhs, Image<RhsPixelT> const &rhs)

Add lhs to Image rhs (i.e. pixel-by-pixel addition) where types are different.

template<typename LhsPixelT, typename RhsPixelT>
Image<LhsPixelT> &operator-=(Image<LhsPixelT> &lhs, Image<RhsPixelT> const &rhs)

Subtract lhs from Image rhs (i.e. pixel-by-pixel subtraction) where types are different.

template<typename LhsPixelT, typename RhsPixelT>
Image<LhsPixelT> &operator*=(Image<LhsPixelT> &lhs, Image<RhsPixelT> const &rhs)

Multiply lhs by Image rhs (i.e. pixel-by-pixel multiplication) where types are different.

template<typename LhsPixelT, typename RhsPixelT>
Image<LhsPixelT> &operator/=(Image<LhsPixelT> &lhs, Image<RhsPixelT> const &rhs)

Divide lhs by Image rhs (i.e. pixel-by-pixel division) where types are different.

template<typename PixelT>
void swap(Image<PixelT> &a, Image<PixelT> &b)
template<typename PixelT>
void swap(DecoratedImage<PixelT> &a, DecoratedImage<PixelT> &b)
lsst::geom::Box2I bboxFromMetadata(daf::base::PropertySet &metadata)

Determine the image bounding box from its metadata (FITS header)

Note that this modifies the metadata, stripping the WCS headers that provide the xy0.

template<typename T1, typename T2>
bool imagesOverlap(ImageBase<T1> const &image1, ImageBase<T2> const &image2)

Return true if the pixels for two images or masks overlap in memory.

template<typename LhsT>
void for_each_pixel(Image<LhsT> &lhs, pixelOp0<LhsT> const &func)

  • lhs: Image to set

  • func: functor to call

Set each pixel in an Image<LhsT> to func()

template<typename LhsT>
void for_each_pixel(Image<LhsT> &lhs, pixelOp1<LhsT> const &func)

  • lhs: Image to set

  • func: functor to call

Set each pixel in an Image<LhsT> to func(lhs)

template<typename LhsT>
void for_each_pixel(Image<LhsT> &lhs, pixelOp1XY<LhsT> const &func)

  • lhs: Image to set

  • func: functor to call

Set each pixel in an Image<LhsT> to func(x, y, lhs)

(x, y) allow for lhs.getXY0()

template<typename LhsT, typename RhsT>
void for_each_pixel(Image<LhsT> &lhs, Image<RhsT> const &rhs, pixelOp1<RhsT> const &func)

  • lhs: Image to set

  • rhs: other Image to pass to func

  • func: functor to call

Set each pixel in an Image<LhsT> to func(rhs), getting the rhs from an Image<RhsT>

template<typename LhsT, typename RhsT>
void for_each_pixel(Image<LhsT> &lhs, Image<RhsT> const &rhs, pixelOp2<LhsT, RhsT> const &func)

  • lhs: Image to set

  • rhs: other Image to pass to func

  • func: functor to call

Set each pixel in an Image<LhsT> to func(lhs, rhs), getting the rhs from an Image<RhsT>

template<typename LhsT, typename RhsT>
void for_each_pixel(Image<LhsT> &lhs, Image<RhsT> const &rhs, pixelOp2XY<LhsT, RhsT> const &func)

  • lhs: Image to set

  • rhs: other Image to pass to func

  • func: functor to call

Set each pixel in an Image<LhsT> to func(x, y, lhs, rhs), getting the rhs from an Image<RhsT>

(x, y) allow for lhs.getXY0()

template<typename PixelT>
void swap(ImageBase<PixelT> &a, ImageBase<PixelT> &b)
template<typename Image1T, typename Image2T>
double innerProduct(Image1T const &lhs, Image2T const &rhs, int const border = 0)

Calculate the inner product of two images


The inner product

  • lhs: first image

  • rhs: Other image to dot with first

  • border: number of pixels to ignore around the edge

  • lsst::pex::exceptions::LengthError: if all the images aren’t the same size

template<typename PixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Image<PixelT>> operator+(Image<PixelT> const &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator+()

We require two of these, one for image+slice (this one) and one for slice+image (next one down)


template<typename PixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Image<PixelT>> operator+(ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc, Image<PixelT> const &img)

Overload operator+()

We require two of these, one for image+slice (previous one) and one for slice+image (this)


template<typename PixelT>
void operator+=(Image<PixelT> &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator+=()

We’ll only allow ‘image += slice’. It doesn’t make sense to add an image to a slice.


template<typename PixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Image<PixelT>> operator-(Image<PixelT> const &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator-()

We’ll only allow ‘image - slice’, as ‘slice - image’ doesn’t make sense.


template<typename PixelT>
void operator-=(Image<PixelT> &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator-=()

Only ‘image -= slice’ is defined. ‘slice -= image’ wouldn’t make sense.


template<typename PixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Image<PixelT>> operator*(Image<PixelT> const &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator*()

We’ll define both ‘image*slice’ (this one) and ‘slice*image’ (next one down).


template<typename PixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Image<PixelT>> operator*(ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc, Image<PixelT> const &img)

Overload operator*()

We’ll define both ‘image*slice’ (this one) and ‘slice*image’ (next one down).


template<typename PixelT>
void operator*=(Image<PixelT> &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator*=()

Only ‘image *= slice’ is defined, as ‘slice *= image’ doesn’t make sense.


template<typename PixelT>
std::shared_ptr<Image<PixelT>> operator/(Image<PixelT> const &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator/()

Only ‘image / slice’ is defined, as ‘slice / image’ doesn’t make sense.


template<typename PixelT>
void operator/=(Image<PixelT> &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc)

Overload operator/=()

Only ‘image /= slice’ is defined, as ‘slice /= image’ doesn’t make sense.


double indexToPosition(double ind)

  • ind: image index

Convert image index to image position

The LSST indexing convention is:

  • the index of the bottom left pixel is 0,0

  • the position of the center of the bottom left pixel is PixelZeroPos, PixelZeroPos


image position

int positionToIndex(double pos)

  • pos: image position

Convert image position to nearest integer index

The LSST indexing convention is:

  • the index of the bottom left pixel is 0,0

  • the position of the center of the bottom left pixel is PixelZeroPos, PixelZeroPos


nearest integer index

int positionToIndex(double &residual, double pos)

  • residual: fractional part of index

  • pos: image position

Convert image position to index (nearest integer and fractional parts)

The LSST indexing convention is:

  • the index of the bottom left pixel is 0,0

  • the position of the center of the bottom left pixel is PixelZeroPos, PixelZeroPos

Note: in python this is called positionToIndexAndResidual


nearest integer index

std::pair<int, double> positionToIndex(double const pos, bool)

  • pos: image position

Convert image position to index (nearest integer and fractional parts)


std::pair(nearest integer index, fractional part)

template<typename PixelT>
void swap(Mask<PixelT> &a, Mask<PixelT> &b)
template<typename ImagePixelT, typename MaskPixelT, typename VariancePixelT>
MaskedImage<ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT> *makeMaskedImage(typename std::shared_ptr<Image<ImagePixelT>> image, typename std::shared_ptr<Mask<MaskPixelT>> mask = Mask<MaskPixelT>(), typename std::shared_ptr<Image<VariancePixelT>> variance = Image<VariancePixelT>())

  • image: image

  • mask: mask

  • variance: variance

A function to return a MaskedImage of the correct type (cf. std::make_pair)

template<typename ImagePixelT1, typename ImagePixelT2>
bool imagesOverlap(MaskedImage<ImagePixelT1, MaskPixel, VariancePixel> const &image1, MaskedImage<ImagePixelT2, MaskPixel, VariancePixel> const &image2)

Return true if the pixels for two masked images (image, variance or mask plane) overlap in memory.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Measurement const &measurement)
void assertNonNegative(double value, std::string const &name)

Raise lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError if value is not >=0.

Used for checking the calibration mean/error in the constructor.

  • value: Value that should be positive.

  • name: Text to prepend to error message.

  • lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError: if value < 0

std::shared_ptr<PhotoCalib> makePhotoCalibFromMetadata(daf::base::PropertySet &metadata, bool strip = false)

Construct a PhotoCalib from FITS FLUXMAG0/FLUXMAG0ERR keywords.

This provides backwards compatibility with the obsoleted Calib object that PhotoCalib replaced. It should not be used outside of reading old Exposures written before PhotoCalib existed.


Pointer to the constructed PhotoCalib, or nullptr if FLUXMAG0 is not in the metadata.

  • metadata: FITS header metadata containing FLUXMAG0 and FLUXMAG0ERR keys.

  • strip: Strip FLUXMAG0 and FLUXMAG0ERR from metadata?

std::shared_ptr<PhotoCalib> makePhotoCalibFromCalibZeroPoint(double instFluxMag0, double instFluxMag0Err)

Construct a PhotoCalib from the deprecated Calib-style instFluxMag0/instFluxMag0Err values.

This provides backwards compatibility with the obsoleted Calib object that PhotoCalib replaced. It should not be used outside of tests that compare with old persisted Calib objects.


Pointer to the constructed PhotoCalib.

  • instFluxMag0: The instrumental flux at zero magnitude. If 0, the resulting PhotoCalib will have infinite calibrationMean and non-finite (inf or NaN) calibrationErr.

  • instFluxMag0Err: The instrumental flux at zero magnitude error. If 0, the resulting PhotoCalib will have 0 calibrationErr.

std::shared_ptr<daf::base::PropertyList> readMetadata(std::string const &fileName, int hdu = fits::DEFAULT_HDU, bool strip = false)

Return the metadata (header entries) from a FITS file.

  • [in] fileName: File to read.

  • [in] hdu: HDU to read, 0-indexed. The special value of afw::fits::DEFAULT_HDU will read the first non-empty HDU.

  • [in] strip: If true, ignore special header keys usually managed by cfitsio (e.g. NAXIS).

template<typename ImageT>
ImageT::SinglePixel badPixel(typename ImageT::Pixel bad = 0)

  • bad: The bad value if NaN isn’t supported

Return a value indicating a bad pixel for the given Image type

A quiet NaN is returned for types that support it otherwise bad

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, VisitInfo const &visitInfo)


double const JanskysPerABFlux = 3631.0
const double PixelZeroPos = 0.0

position of center of pixel 0

FITS uses 1.0, SDSS uses 0.5, LSST uses 0.0 (

class ApCorrMap : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<ApCorrMap>, public Storable
#include <ApCorrMap.h>

A thin wrapper around std::map to allow aperture corrections to be attached to Exposures.

ApCorrMap simply adds error handling accessors, persistence, and a bit of encapsulation to std::map (given the simplified interface, for instance, we could switch to unordered_map or some other underyling container in the future).

class CheckIndices
#include <ImageBase.h>

A class used to request that array accesses be checked.

class CoaddInputs : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<CoaddInputs>, public Storable
#include <CoaddInputs.h>

A simple Persistable struct containing ExposureCatalogs that record the inputs to a coadd.

The visits catalog corresponds to what task code refers to as coaddTempExps, while the ccds catalog corresponds to individual input CCD images (calexps), and has a “visitId” column that points back to the visits catalog.

The records in the visits catalog will all have the same Wcs as the coadd, as they represent images that have already been warped to the coadd frame. Regardless of whether or not the coadd is PSF-matched, the visit record Psf will generally be CoaddPsfs (albeit single-depth ones, so they simply pick out the single non-coadd-Psf that is valid for each point).

class Color
#include <Color.h>

Describe the colour of a source

We need a concept of colour more general than “g - r” in order to calculate e.g. atmospheric dispersion or a source’s PSF


This is very much just a place holder until we work out what we need. A full SED may be required, in which case a constructor from an SED name might be appropriate, or a couple of colours, or …

template<typename PixelT>
struct ConstReference
#include <ImageBase.h>

metafunction to extract const reference type from PixelT

template<typename PixelT>
class DecoratedImage
#include <Image.h>

A container for an Image and its associated metadata

class DefectBase
#include <Defect.h>

Encapsulate information about a bad portion of a detector

Subclassed by lsst::meas::algorithms::Defect

template<typename ImageT, typename MaskT = lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel, typename VarianceT = lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel>
class Exposure
#include <Exposure.h>

A class to contain the data, WCS, and other information needed to describe an image of the sky. Exposure Class Implementation for LSST: a templated framework class for creating an Exposure from a MaskedImage and a Wcs.

An Exposure is required to take one afwImage::MaskedImage or a region (col, row) defining the size of a MaskedImage (this can be of size 0,0). An Exposure can (but is not required to) contain an afwImage::SkyWcs.

The template types should optimally be a float, double, unsigned int 16 bit, or unsigned int 32 bit for the image (pixel) type and an unsigned int 32 bit for the mask type. These types have been explicitly instantiated for the Exposure class. All MaskedImage and Wcs constructors are ‘const’ to allow for views and copying.

An Exposure can get and return its MaskedImage, SkyWcs, and a subExposure. The getSubExposure member takes a BBox region defining the subRegion of the original Exposure to be returned. The member retrieves the MaskedImage corresponding to the subRegion. The MaskedImage class throws an exception for any subRegion extending beyond the original MaskedImage bounding box. This member is not yet fully implemented because it requires the SkyWcs class to return the SkyWcs metadata to the member so the CRPIX values of the SkyWcs can be adjusted to reflect the new subMaskedImage origin. The getSubExposure member will eventually return a subExposure consisting of the subMAskedImage and the SkyWcs object with its corresponding adjusted metadata.

The hasWcs member is used to determine if the Exposure has a SkyWcs. It is not required to have one.

class ExposureFitsReader
#include <ExposureFitsReader.h>

A FITS reader class for Exposures and their components.

All ExposureFitsReader methods provide strong exception safety, but exceptions thrown by the internal fits::Fits object itself may change its status variable or HDU pointer; ExposureFitsReader guards against this by resetting those before any use of the Fits object.

class ExposureInfo
#include <ExposureInfo.h>

A collection of all the things that make an Exposure different from a MaskedImage

The constness semantics of the things held by ExposureInfo are admittedly a bit of a mess, but they’re that way to preserve backwards compatibility for now. Eventually I’d like to make a lot of these things immutable, but in the meantime, here’s the summary:

  • Filter is held and returned by value.

  • VisitInfo is immutable and is held by a const ptr and has a setter and getter.

  • Metadata is held by non-const pointer, and you can get a non-const pointer via a const member function accessor (i.e. constness is not propagated).

  • all other types are only accessible through non-const pointers

The setter for Wcs clones its input arguments (this is a departure from the previous behavior for Wcs but it’s safer w.r.t. aliasing and it matches the old (and current) behavior of the Exposure and ExposureInfo constructors, which clone their arguments. The setter for Psf and constructors do not clone the Psf, as Psfs are immutable and hence we don’t need to ensure strict ownership. The setter for Detector does not clone its input argument, because while it technically isn’t, we can safely consider a Detector to be immutable once it’s attached to an ExposureInfo.

class Filter : public Storable
#include <Filter.h>

Holds an integer identifier for an LSST filter.

class FilterProperty
#include <Filter.h>

Describe the properties of a Filter (e.g. effective wavelength)

template<typename PixelT>
class Image : public lsst::afw::image::ImageBase<PixelT>
#include <Image.h>

A class to represent a 2-dimensional array of pixels.

Subclassed by lsst::afw::image::ImageSlice< PixelT >

template<typename PixelT>
class ImageBase
#include <ImageBase.h>

The base class for all image classed (Image, Mask, MaskedImage, …)

Subclassed by lsst::afw::image::Image< lsst::afw::math::Kernel::Pixel >, lsst::afw::image::Image< Pixel >, lsst::afw::image::Image< PixelT >

class ImageBaseFitsReader
#include <ImageBaseFitsReader.h>

Base class for image FITS readers.

This class should be considered an implementation detail of ImageFitsReader and MaskFitsReader that provides their common methods, not the definition of an interface.

All ImageBaseFitsReader methods provide strong exception safety, but exceptions thrown by the internal fits::Fits object itself may change its status variable or HDU pointer; ImageBaseFitsReader guards against this by resetting those before any use of the Fits object.

Subclassed by lsst::afw::image::ImageFitsReader, lsst::afw::image::MaskFitsReader

class ImageFitsReader : public lsst::afw::image::ImageBaseFitsReader
#include <ImageFitsReader.h>

A FITS reader class for regular Images.

All ImageFitsReader methods provide strong exception safety, but exceptions thrown by the internal fits::Fits object itself may change its status variable or HDU pointer; ImageFitsReader guards against this by resetting those before any use of the Fits object.

template<typename ImageT>
class ImagePca

Subclassed by lsst::ip::diffim::detail::KernelPca< ImageT >, lsst::meas::algorithms::PsfImagePca< ImageT >

template<typename PixelT>
class ImageSlice : public lsst::afw::image::Image<PixelT>
#include <ImageSlice.h>

A class to specify a slice of an image

template<typename MaskPixelT = lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel>
class Mask : public lsst::afw::image::ImageBase<MaskPixelT>
#include <Mask.h>

Represent a 2-dimensional array of bitmask pixels

Some mask planes are always defined (although you can add more with Mask::addMaskPlane):

  • BAD This pixel is known to be bad (e.g. the amplifier is not working)

  • CR This pixel is contaminated by a cosmic ray

  • DETECTED This pixel lies within an object’s Footprint

  • DETECTED_NEGATIVE This pixel lies within an object’s Footprint, and the detection was looking for pixels below a specified level

  • EDGE This pixel is too close to the edge to be processed properly

  • INTRP This pixel has been interpolated over


    should be called INTERPOLATED

  • SAT This pixel is saturated and has bloomed


    should be called SATURATED

  • SUSPECT This pixel is untrustworthy, and you may wish to discard any Source containing it

template<typename ImagePixelT, typename MaskPixelT = lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel, typename VariancePixelT = lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel>
class MaskedImage
#include <MaskedImage.h>

A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object.

class MaskedImageFitsReader
#include <MaskedImageFitsReader.h>

A FITS reader class for MaskedImages and their components.

All MaskedImageFitsReader methods provide strong exception safety, but exceptions thrown by the internal fits::Fits object itself may change its status variable or HDU pointer; MaskedImageFitsReader guards against this by resetting those before any use of the Fits object.

class MaskFitsReader : public lsst::afw::image::ImageBaseFitsReader
#include <MaskFitsReader.h>

A FITS reader class for Masks.

All MaskFitsReader methods provide strong exception safety, but exceptions thrown by the internal fits::Fits object itself may change its status variable or HDU pointer; MaskFitsReader guards against this by resetting those before any use of the Fits object.

struct Measurement
#include <PhotoCalib.h>

A value and its error.

class PhotoCalib : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<PhotoCalib>, public Storable
#include <PhotoCalib.h>

The photometric calibration of an exposure.

A PhotoCalib is a BoundedField (a function with a specified domain) that converts from post-ISR counts-on-chip (ADU) to flux and magnitude. It is defined such that a calibration of 1 means one count is equal to one nanojansky (nJy, 10^-35 W/m^2/Hz in SI units). The nJy was chosen because it represents a linear flux unit with values in a convenient range (e.g. LSST’s single image depth of 24.5 is 575 nJy). See more detailed discussion in:

PhotoCalib is immutable.

The spatially varying flux calibration has units of nJy/ADU, and is defined such that, at a position (x,y) in the domain of the boundedField calibration and for a given measured source instFlux:

\[ instFlux*calibration(x,y) = flux [nJy] \]
while the errors (constant on the domain) are defined as:
\[ sqrt((instFluxErr/instFlux)^2 + (calibrationErr/calibration)^2)*flux = fluxErr [nJy] \]
This implies that the conversions from instFlux and instFlux error to magnitude and magnitude error are as follows:
\[ -2.5*log_{10}(instFlux*calibration(x,y)*1e-9/referenceFlux) = magnitude \]

where referenceFlux is the AB Magnitude reference flux from Oke & Gunn 1983 (first equation),

\[ referenceFlux = 1e23 * 10^{(48.6/-2.5)} \]
\[ 2.5/log(10)*sqrt((instFluxErr/instFlux)^2 + (calibrationErr/calibration)^2) = magnitudeErr \]
Note that this is independent of referenceFlux.

template<typename ValT>
struct pixelOp0 : public std::function<ValT()>
#include <ImageAlgorithm.h>

A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT ()>, but with a virtual operator()

template<typename ValT>
struct pixelOp1 : public std::function<ValT(ValT)>
#include <ImageAlgorithm.h>

A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT (ValT)>, but with a virtual operator()

template<typename ValT>
struct pixelOp1XY : public std::function<ValT(int, int, ValT)>
#include <ImageAlgorithm.h>

A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT (int, int, ValT)>, but with a virtual operator()

template<typename LhsT, typename RhsT>
struct pixelOp2 : public std::function<LhsT(LhsT, RhsT)>
#include <ImageAlgorithm.h>

A functor class equivalent to std::function<LhsT (LhsT, RhsT)>, but with a virtual operator()

template<typename LhsT, typename RhsT>
struct pixelOp2XY : public std::function<LhsT(int, int, LhsT, RhsT)>
#include <ImageAlgorithm.h>

A functor class equivalent to std::function<LhsT (int, int, LhsT, RhsT)>, but with a virtual operator()

template<typename PixelT>
struct Reference
#include <ImageBase.h>

metafunction to extract reference type from PixelT

class TransmissionCurve : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<TransmissionCurve>, public Storable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<TransmissionCurve>
#include <TransmissionCurve.h>

A spatially-varying transmission curve as a function of wavelength.

TransmissionCurve can only be evaluated at discrete (albeit arbitrary) user-provided positions; it does not provide an interface for computing average transmission over regions or computing spatially-varying scalars from integrals over the wavelength dimension.

TransmissionCurves are immutable and are expected to be passed and held by shared_ptr<TransmissionCurve const>. As such they are neither copyable nor movable (because there should be no need to copy or move).

All wavelength values should be in Angstroms.

The flux units and overall normalization of TransmissionCurves is unspecified by the class, but their normalization and units should always be consistent throughout the spatial area over which they are defined (an implementation should not e.g. re-normalize to unit bolometric flux at each position it is evaluated at). Other classes and functions using TransmissionCurves should of course document the flux units and/or normalization expected/provided.

class VisitInfo : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<VisitInfo>, public Storable
#include <VisitInfo.h>

Information about a single exposure of an imaging camera.

Includes exposure duration and date, and telescope pointing and orientation.

All information is for the middle of the exposure and at the boresight (center of the focal plane). Thus for a mosaic camera VisitInfo is the same for all detectors in the mosaic.

VisitInfo is immutable.

namespace detail


typedef std::map<std::string, int> MaskPlaneDict


int stripFilterKeywords(std::shared_ptr<lsst::daf::base::PropertySet> metadata)

Remove Filter-related keywords from the metadata


Number of keywords stripped

  • [inout] metadata: Metadata to be stripped

void setVisitInfoMetadata(daf::base::PropertyList &metadata, VisitInfo const &visitInfo)

Set FITS metadata from a VisitInfo

  • [inout] metadata: FITS keyword metadata to set

  • [in] visitInfo: instance of VisitInfo from which to set metadata

int stripVisitInfoKeywords(daf::base::PropertySet &metadata)

Remove VisitInfo-related keywords from the metadata


Number of keywords stripped

  • [inout] metadata: FITS keyword metadata


std::string const wcsNameForXY0 = "A"
std::string const fitsFile_RE = "\.fits(\.[fg]z)?$"

regexp to identify when MaskedImages should be written as MEFs

std::string const compressedFileNoMEF_RE = "(\.gz)$"

regexp to identify compressed files that we can’t write MEFs to

struct basic_tag
#include <ImageBase.h>

Base image tag.

Subclassed by lsst::afw::image::detail::Image_tag, lsst::afw::image::detail::Mask_tag, lsst::afw::image::detail::MaskedImage_tag

struct Image_tag : public lsst::afw::image::detail::basic_tag
#include <ImageBase.h>

tag for an Image

template<typename ImageT>
struct image_traits
#include <ImageBase.h>

traits class for image categories

struct Mask_tag : public lsst::afw::image::detail::basic_tag
#include <Mask.h>

tag for a Mask

struct MaskedImage_tag : public lsst::afw::image::detail::basic_tag
#include <MaskedImage.h>

A traits class for MaskedImage.

struct MaskedImagePixel_tag
#include <MaskedImage.h>

A class used to identify classes that represent MaskedImage pixels.

Subclassed by lsst::afw::image::pixel::Pixel< _ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT >, lsst::afw::image::pixel::SinglePixel< _ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT >

class StorableMap
#include <StorableMap.h>

A map of Storable supporting strongly-typed access.

A Key for the map is parameterized by both the key type K and a corresponding value type V. The map is indexed uniquely by a value of type K; no two entries in the map may have identical values of Key::getId().

All operations are sensitive to the value type of the key: a contains call requesting a SkyWcs labeled “value”, for example, will report no such object if instead there is a Psf labeled “value”. At present, a StorableMap does not store type information internally, instead relying on RTTI for type checking.

namespace details


template<typename OperatorT, typename PixelT>
void operate(Image<PixelT> &img, ImageSlice<PixelT> const &slc, typename ImageSlice<PixelT>::ImageSliceType sliceType)

A function to loop over pixels and perform the requested operation

namespace pixel


template<typename ImagePixelT, typename MaskPixelT, typename VariancePixelT>
SinglePixel<ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT> makeSinglePixel(ImagePixelT x, MaskPixelT m, VariancePixelT v)

Return a SinglePixel

This function is useful as function overloading will choose the correct return type (cf. std::make_pair()

template<typename ExprT1>
UnaryExpr<ExprT1, std::negate<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::ImagePixelT>, noop<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::MaskPixelT>, noop<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::VariancePixelT>> operator-(ExprT1 e1)

Template for -e1.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
BinaryExpr<ExprT1, ExprT2, std::plus<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::ImagePixelT>, bitwise_or<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::MaskPixelT>, variance_plus<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::VariancePixelT>> operator+(ExprT1 e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template for (e1 + e2)

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
ExprT1 operator+=(ExprT1 &e1, ExprT2 e2)

template for e1 += e2

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
ExprT1 plus(ExprT1 &lhs, ExprT2 const &rhs, float covariance)

Like operator+(), but assume that covariance’s 2*alpha*sqrt(vx*vy)

  • lhs: Left hand value

  • rhs: Right hand value

  • covariance: Assume that covariance is 2*alpha*sqrt(vx*vy) (if variances are known)

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
BinaryExpr<ExprT1, ExprT2, std::minus<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::ImagePixelT>, bitwise_or<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::MaskPixelT>, variance_plus<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::VariancePixelT>> operator-(ExprT1 e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template to evaluate (e1 - e2)

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
ExprT1 operator-=(ExprT1 &e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template to evaluate e1 -= e2.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
BinaryExpr<ExprT1, ExprT2, std::multiplies<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::ImagePixelT>, bitwise_or<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::MaskPixelT>, variance_multiplies<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::VariancePixelT>> operator*(ExprT1 e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template to evaluate (e1 * e2)

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
ExprT1 operator*=(ExprT1 &e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template to evaluate e1 *= e2.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
BinaryExpr<ExprT1, ExprT2, std::divides<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::ImagePixelT>, bitwise_or<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::MaskPixelT>, variance_divides<typename exprTraits<ExprT1>::VariancePixelT>> operator/(ExprT1 e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template to evaluate (e1 / e2)

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2>
ExprT1 operator/=(ExprT1 &e1, ExprT2 e2)

Template to evaluate e1 /= e2.

template<typename ImagePixelT, typename MaskPixelT, typename VariancePixelT>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, SinglePixel<ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT> const &v)

Print a SinglePixel.

template<typename ImagePixelT, typename MaskPixelT, typename VariancePixelT>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Pixel<ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT> const &v)

Print a Pixel.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2, typename BinOp, typename MaskBinOp, typename VarBinOp>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, BinaryExpr<ExprT1, ExprT2, BinOp, MaskBinOp, VarBinOp> const &v)

Evaluate and print a BinaryExpr.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ExprT2, typename ImageBinOp, typename MaskBinOp, typename VarianceBinOp>
class BinaryExpr
#include <Pixel.h>

Class for representing binary operations.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ImageBinOp, typename MaskBinOp, typename VarianceBinOp>
class BinaryExpr<ExprT1, double, ImageBinOp, MaskBinOp, VarianceBinOp>
#include <Pixel.h>

Partial specialization of BinaryExpr when ExprT2 is a double (i.e no mask/variance part)

template<typename T1>
struct bitwise_or : public std::binary_function<T1, T1, T1>
#include <Pixel.h>

bitwise_or doesn’t seem to be in std::


We provide a single-operand version for when the right-hand-side of an expression is a scalar, not a masked pixel,

template<typename ExprT>
struct exprTraits
#include <Pixel.h>

A traits class to return the types of the image/mask/variance.

struct exprTraits<double>
#include <Pixel.h>

A specialisation of exprTraits for double

struct exprTraits<float>
#include <Pixel.h>

A specialisation of exprTraits for float

struct exprTraits<int>
#include <Pixel.h>

A specialisation of exprTraits for int

struct exprTraits<unsigned short>
#include <Pixel.h>

A specialisation of exprTraits for unsigned short

template<typename T1>
struct noop : public std::unary_function<T1, T1>
#include <Pixel.h>

A noop functor (useful for e.g. masks and variances when changing the sign of the image)

template<typename _ImagePixelT, typename _MaskPixelT, typename _VariancePixelT = double>
class Pixel : public lsst::afw::image::detail::MaskedImagePixel_tag
#include <Pixel.h>

A pixel of a MaskedImage.

template<typename PixelT>
struct PixelTypeTraits
#include <Pixel.h>

Pixel type traits.

template<typename _ImagePixelT, typename _MaskPixelT, typename _VariancePixelT>
struct PixelTypeTraits<SinglePixel<_ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT>>
#include <Pixel.h>

Specialization for a pixel of a MaskedImage.

template<typename _ImagePixelT, typename _MaskPixelT, typename _VariancePixelT = double>
class SinglePixel : public lsst::afw::image::detail::MaskedImagePixel_tag
#include <Pixel.h>

A single pixel of the same type as a MaskedImage.

template<typename ExprT1, typename ImageBinOp, typename MaskBinOp, typename VarianceBinOp>
class UnaryExpr
#include <Pixel.h>

Class for representing Unary operations.

template<typename T1>
struct variance_divides
#include <Pixel.h>

Calculate the variance when we divide two Pixels


We provide a single-operand version for when the right-hand-side of an expression is a scalar, not a masked pixel,

template<typename T1>
struct variance_multiplies
#include <Pixel.h>

Calculate the variance when we multiply two Pixels


We provide a single-operand version for when the right-hand-side of an expression is a scalar, not a masked pixel,

template<typename T1>
struct variance_plus
#include <Pixel.h>

Calculate the variance when we add (or subtract) two Pixels


We provide a single-operand version for when the right-hand-side of an expression is a scalar, not a masked pixel,

template<typename T1>
struct variance_plus_covar
#include <Pixel.h>

The variance of the sum of a pair of correlated pixels

The covariance is modelled as alpha*sqrt(var_x*var_y)


We provide a single-operand version for when the right-hand-side of an expression is a scalar, not a masked pixel,

namespace python


void checkBounds(geom::Point2I const &index, geom::Box2I const &bbox)