Class CoaddInputs

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

class CoaddInputs : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<CoaddInputs>, public Storable

A simple Persistable struct containing ExposureCatalogs that record the inputs to a coadd.

The visits catalog corresponds to what task code refers to as coaddTempExps, while the ccds catalog corresponds to individual input CCD images (calexps), and has a “visitId” column that points back to the visits catalog.

The records in the visits catalog will all have the same Wcs as the coadd, as they represent images that have already been warped to the coadd frame. Regardless of whether or not the coadd is PSF-matched, the visit record Psf will generally be CoaddPsfs (albeit single-depth ones, so they simply pick out the single non-coadd-Psf that is valid for each point).

Public Functions


Default constructor.

This simply calls the Catalog default constructors, which means the catalogs have no associated Table and hence cannot be used for anything until a valid Catalog is assigned to them.

CoaddInputs(table::Schema const &visitSchema, table::Schema const &ccdSchema)

Construct new catalogs from the given schemas.

CoaddInputs(table::ExposureCatalog const &visits_, table::ExposureCatalog const &ccds_)

Construct from shallow copies of the given catalogs.

CoaddInputs(CoaddInputs const&)
CoaddInputs &operator=(CoaddInputs const&)
CoaddInputs &operator=(CoaddInputs&&)
bool isPersistable() const

Whether the object is in fact persistable - in this case, always true.

To avoid letting coadd provenance prevent coadd code from running, if a nested Wcs or Psf is not persistable, it will silently not be saved, instead of throwing an exception.

std::shared_ptr<typehandling::Storable> cloneStorable() const

Create a new CoaddInputs that is a copy of this one.

Public Members

table::ExposureCatalog visits
table::ExposureCatalog ccds

Protected Functions

std::string getPersistenceName() const
std::string getPythonModule() const
void write(OutputArchiveHandle &handle) const