Class MaskFitsReader

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class MaskFitsReader : public lsst::afw::image::ImageBaseFitsReader

A FITS reader class for Masks.

All MaskFitsReader methods provide strong exception safety, but exceptions thrown by the internal fits::Fits object itself may change its status variable or HDU pointer; MaskFitsReader guards against this by resetting those before any use of the Fits object.

Public Functions

template<typename PixelT>
Mask<PixelT> read(lsst::geom::Box2I const &bbox = lsst::geom::Box2I(), ImageOrigin origin = PARENT, bool conformMasks = false, bool allowUnsafe = false)

Read the Mask.

In Python, this templated method is wrapped with an additional

dtype argument to provide the type to read. This defaults to the type of the on-disk image.
  • bbox: A bounding box used to defined a subimage, or an empty box (default) to read the whole image.

  • origin: Coordinate system convention for the given box.

  • conformMasks: If True, conform the global mask dict to match this file.

  • allowUnsafe: Permit reading into the requested pixel type even when on-disk values may overflow or truncate.