Class VisitInfo

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

class VisitInfo : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<VisitInfo>, public Storable

Information about a single exposure of an imaging camera.

Includes exposure duration and date, and telescope pointing and orientation.

All information is for the middle of the exposure and at the boresight (center of the focal plane). Thus for a mosaic camera VisitInfo is the same for all detectors in the mosaic.

VisitInfo is immutable.

Public Functions

VisitInfo(table::RecordId exposureId, double exposureTime, double darkTime, daf::base::DateTime const &date, double ut1, lsst::geom::Angle const &era, lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &boresightRaDec, lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &boresightAzAlt, double boresightAirmass, lsst::geom::Angle const &boresightRotAngle, RotType const &rotType, coord::Observatory const &observatory, coord::Weather const &weather)

Construct a VisitInfo

  • [in] exposureId: exposure ID

  • [in] exposureTime: exposure duration (shutter open time); (sec)

  • [in] darkTime: time from CCD flush to readout, including shutter open time (despite the name); (sec)

  • [in] date: TAI (international atomic time) MJD date at middle of exposure

  • [in] ut1: UT1 (universal time) MJD date at middle of exposure

  • [in] era: earth rotation angle at middle of exposure

  • [in] boresightRaDec: ICRS RA/Dec of boresight at middle of exposure

  • [in] boresightAzAlt: refracted apparent topocentric Az/Alt of boresight at middle of exposure

  • [in] boresightAirmass: airmass at the boresight, relative to zenith at sea level

  • [in] boresightRotAngle: rotation angle at boresight at middle of exposure; see getBoresightRotAngle for details

  • [in] rotType: rotation type

  • [in] observatory: observatory longitude, latitude and altitude

  • [in] weather: basic weather information for computing air mass

VisitInfo(daf::base::PropertySet const &metadata)
VisitInfo(VisitInfo const&)
VisitInfo &operator=(VisitInfo const&)
VisitInfo &operator=(VisitInfo&&)
bool operator==(VisitInfo const &other) const
bool operator!=(VisitInfo const &other) const
std::size_t hash_value() const

Return a hash of this object.

table::RecordId getExposureId() const

get exposure ID

double getExposureTime() const

get exposure duration (shutter open time); (sec)

double getDarkTime() const

get time from CCD flush to exposure readout, including shutter open time (despite the name); (sec)

daf::base::DateTime getDate() const

get uniform date and time at middle of exposure

double getUt1() const

get UT1 (universal time) MJD date at middle of exposure

lsst::geom::Angle getEra() const

get earth rotation angle at middle of exposure

lsst::geom::SpherePoint getBoresightRaDec() const

get ICRS RA/Dec position at the boresight (and at the middle of the exposure, if it varies with time)

lsst::geom::SpherePoint getBoresightAzAlt() const

get refracted apparent topocentric Az/Alt position at the boresight (and at the middle of the exposure, if it varies with time)

double getBoresightAirmass() const

get airmass at the boresight, relative to zenith at sea level (and at the middle of the exposure, if it varies with time)

lsst::geom::Angle getBoresightRotAngle() const

Get rotation angle at boresight at middle of exposure

The meaning of rotation angle depends on rotType. For example, if rotType is SKY the angle is the position angle of the focal plane +Y with respect to North.

RotType getRotType() const

get rotation type of boresightRotAngle

coord::Observatory getObservatory() const

get observatory longitude, latitude and elevation

coord::Weather getWeather() const

get basic weather information

bool isPersistable() const
lsst::geom::Angle getLocalEra() const
lsst::geom::Angle getBoresightHourAngle() const
lsst::geom::Angle getBoresightParAngle() const

Get parallactic angle at the boresight

Equal to the angle between the North celestial pole and Zenith at the boresight. Or, the angular separation between two great circle arcs that meet at the object: One passing through the North celestial pole, and the other through zenith. For an object on the meridian the angle is zero if it is South of zenith and pi if it is North of zenith The angle is positive for objects East of the meridian, and negative for objects to the West.

std::shared_ptr<typehandling::Storable> cloneStorable() const

Create a new VisitInfo that is a copy of this one.

std::string toString() const

Create a string representation of this object.

bool equals(typehandling::Storable const &other) const

Compare this object to another Storable.


*this == other if other is a VisitInfo; otherwise false.

Protected Functions

std::string getPersistenceName() const
void write(OutputArchiveHandle &handle) const