Template Class Function2

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Derived Types

Class Documentation

template<typename ReturnT>
class Function2 : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<Function2<ReturnT>>, public lsst::afw::math::Function<ReturnT>

A Function taking two arguments.

Subclass and override operator() to do useful work.

Subclassed by lsst::afw::math::BasePolynomialFunction2< ReturnT >, lsst::afw::math::DoubleGaussianFunction2< ReturnT >, lsst::afw::math::GaussianFunction2< ReturnT >, lsst::afw::math::IntegerDeltaFunction2< ReturnT >, lsst::afw::math::LanczosFunction2< ReturnT >, lsst::afw::math::NullFunction2< ReturnT >

Public Functions

Function2(unsigned int nParams)

  • nParams: number of function parameters

Construct a Function2 given the number of function parameters.

The function parameters are initialized to 0.

Function2(std::vector<double> const &params)

  • params: function parameters

Construct a Function2 given the function parameters.

The number of function parameters is set to the length of params.

Function2(Function2 const&)
Function2 &operator=(Function2 const&)
Function2 &operator=(Function2&&)
virtual std::shared_ptr<Function2<ReturnT>> clone() const = 0

Return a pointer to a deep copy of this function

This function exists instead of a copy constructor so one can obtain a copy of an actual function instead of a useless copy of the base class.

Every non-virtual function must override this method.


a pointer to a deep copy of the function

virtual ReturnT operator()(double x, double y) const = 0
std::string toString(std::string const& = "") const

Return a string representation of the function


a string representation of the function

virtual std::vector<double> getDFuncDParameters(double, double) const

Return the derivative of the Function with respect to its parameters

Protected Functions
