Class SeparableKernel

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class SeparableKernel : public lsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade<SeparableKernel>, public lsst::afw::math::Kernel

A kernel described by a pair of functions: func(x, y) = colFunc(x) * rowFunc(y)

The function’s x, y arguments are as follows:

  • -getCtr() for the lower left corner pixel

  • 0, 0 for the center pixel

  • (getDimensions() - 1) - getCtr() for the upper right pixel

Note: each pixel is set to the value of the kernel function at the center of the pixel (rather than averaging the function over the area of the pixel).

Subclassed by lsst::afw::math::BilinearWarpingKernel, lsst::afw::math::LanczosWarpingKernel, lsst::afw::math::NearestWarpingKernel

Public Types

typedef lsst::afw::math::Function1<Pixel> KernelFunction
typedef std::shared_ptr<KernelFunction> KernelFunctionPtr

Public Functions


Construct an empty spatially invariant SeparableKernel of size 0x0

SeparableKernel(int width, int height, KernelFunction const &kernelColFunction, KernelFunction const &kernelRowFunction, Kernel::SpatialFunction const &spatialFunction = NullSpatialFunction())

Construct a spatially invariant SeparableKernel, or a spatially varying SeparableKernel that uses the same functional form to model each function parameter.

  • width: width of kernel

  • height: height of kernel

  • kernelColFunction: kernel column function

  • kernelRowFunction: kernel row function

  • spatialFunction: spatial function; one deep copy is made for each kernel column and row function parameter; if omitted or set to Kernel::NullSpatialFunction then the kernel is spatially invariant

SeparableKernel(int width, int height, KernelFunction const &kernelColFunction, KernelFunction const &kernelRowFunction, std::vector<Kernel::SpatialFunctionPtr> const &spatialFunctionList)

Construct a spatially varying SeparableKernel

  • width: width of kernel

  • height: height of kernel

  • kernelColFunction: kernel column function

  • kernelRowFunction: kernel row function

  • spatialFunctionList: list of spatial funcs, one per kernel column and row function parameter; a deep copy is made of each function

  • lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError: if the length of spatialFunctionList != # kernel function parameters.

SeparableKernel(const SeparableKernel&)
SeparableKernel &operator=(const SeparableKernel&)
SeparableKernel &operator=(SeparableKernel&&)
std::shared_ptr<Kernel> clone() const

Return a pointer to a deep copy of this kernel

This kernel exists instead of a copy constructor so one can obtain a copy of an actual kernel instead of a useless copy of the base class.

Every kernel subclass must override this method.


a pointer to a deep copy of the kernel

std::shared_ptr<Kernel> resized(int width, int height) const

Return a pointer to a clone with specified kernel dimensions

Must be implemented by derived classes.


a pointer to a clone with new dimensions.

  • width: Number of columns in pixels

  • height: Number of rows in pixels

double computeVectors(std::vector<Pixel> &colList, std::vector<Pixel> &rowList, bool doNormalize, double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0) const

Compute the column and row arrays in place, where kernel(col, row) = colList(col) * rowList(row)

x, y are ignored if there is no spatial function.


the kernel sum (1.0 if doNormalize true)

  • colList: column vector

  • rowList: row vector

  • doNormalize: normalize the image (so sum of each is 1)?

  • x: x (column position) at which to compute spatial function

  • y: y (row position) at which to compute spatial function

  • lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError: if colList or rowList is the wrong size

  • lsst::pex::exceptions::OverflowError: if doNormalize is true and the kernel sum is exactly 0

double getKernelParameter(unsigned int i) const

Return a particular Kernel Parameter (no bounds checking). This version is slow, but specialisations may be faster

std::vector<double> getKernelParameters() const

Return the current kernel parameters

If the kernel is spatially varying then the parameters are those last computed. See also computeKernelParametersFromSpatialModel. If there are no kernel parameters then returns an empty vector.

KernelFunctionPtr getKernelColFunction() const

Get a deep copy of the col kernel function

KernelFunctionPtr getKernelRowFunction() const

Get a deep copy of the row kernel function

std::string toString(std::string const &prefix = "") const

Return a string representation of the kernel

void computeCache(int const const)

Compute a cache of Kernel values, if desired


: few kernel classes actually support this, in which case this is a no-op and getCacheSize always returns 0.

int getCacheSize() const

Get the current cache size (0 if none)

Protected Functions

double doComputeImage(lsst::afw::image::Image<Pixel> &image, bool doNormalize) const

Low-level version of computeImage

Before this is called the image dimensions are checked, the image’s xy0 is set and the kernel’s parameters are set. This routine sets the pixels, including normalization if requested.


The kernel sum

  • image: image whose pixels are to be set (output)

  • doNormalize: normalize the image (so sum is 1)?

void setKernelParameter(unsigned int ind, double value) const

Set one kernel parameter

Classes that have kernel parameters must subclass this function.

This function is marked “const”, despite modifying unimportant internals, so that computeImage can be const.

  • lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError: always (unless subclassed)