Class Spline

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Spline

Subclassed by lsst::afw::math::detail::SmoothedSpline, lsst::afw::math::detail::TautSpline

Public Functions

virtual ~Spline()
Spline(Spline const&)
Spline &operator=(Spline const&)
Spline &operator=(Spline&&)
void interpolate(std::vector<double> const &x, std::vector<double> &y) const

Interpolate a Spline.

  • [in] x: points to interpolate at

  • [out] y: values of spline interpolation at x

void derivative(std::vector<double> const &x, std::vector<double> &dydx) const

Find the derivative of a Spline.

  • [in] x: points to evaluate derivative at

  • [out] dydx: derivatives at x

std::vector<double> roots(double const value, double const x0, double const x1) const

Find the roots of Spline - val = 0 in the range [x0, x1). Return a vector of all the roots found

  • value: desired value

  • x0x1: specify desired range is [x0,x1)

Protected Functions

void _allocateSpline(int const nknot)

Allocate the storage a Spline needs

Protected Attributes

std::vector<double> _knots
std::vector<std::vector<double>> _coeffs