Template Class ArrayKey

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

template<typename T>
class ArrayKey : public lsst::afw::table::FunctorKey<ndarray::Array<T const, 1, 1>>, public lsst::afw::table::ReferenceFunctorKey<ndarray::ArrayRef<T, 1, 1>>, public lsst::afw::table::ConstReferenceFunctorKey<ndarray::ArrayRef<T const, 1, 1>>

A FunctorKey used to get or set a ndarray::Array from a sequence of scalar Keys.

ArrayKey operates on the convention that arrays are defined by a set of contiguous scalar fields (i.e. added to the Schema in order, with no interruption) of the same type, with a common field name prefix and “_0”, “_1” etc. suffixes.

Unnamed Group

bool operator==(ArrayKey<T> const &other) const

Compare the FunctorKey for equality with another, using the underlying scalar Keys.

bool operator!=(ArrayKey<T> const &other) const

Public Functions


Default constructor; instance will not be usable unless subsequently assigned to.

ArrayKey(std::vector<Key<T>> const &keys)

Construct from a vector of scalar Keys.

ArrayKey(Key<Array<T>> const &other)

Construct from a compound Key< Array<T> >

Key< Array<T> > is now deprecated in favor of ArrayKey; this factory function is intended to aid in the transition.

ArrayKey(SubSchema const &s)

Construct from a subschema, assuming *_0, *_1, *_2, etc. subfields

If a schema has “a_0”, “a_1”, and “a_2” fields, this constructor allows you to construct a 3-element ArrayKey via:

ArrayKey<T> k(schema["a"]);

ArrayKey(ArrayKey const&)
ArrayKey &operator=(ArrayKey const&)
ArrayKey &operator=(ArrayKey&&)
int getSize() const

Return the number of elements in the array.

ndarray::Array<T const, 1, 1> get(BaseRecord const &record) const

Get an array from the given record.

void set(BaseRecord &record, ndarray::Array<T const, 1, 1> const &value) const

Set an array in the given record.

ndarray::ArrayRef<T, 1, 1> getReference(BaseRecord &record) const

Get non-const reference array from the given record.

ndarray::ArrayRef<T const, 1, 1> getConstReference(BaseRecord const &record) const

Get const reference array from the given record.

std::size_t hash_value() const

Return a hash of this object.

bool isValid() const

Return True if the FunctorKey contains valid scalar keys.

Key<T> operator[](int i) const

Return a scalar Key for an element of the array.

ArrayKey slice(int begin, int end) const

Return a FunctorKey corresponding to a range of elements.

Public Static Functions

static ArrayKey addFields(Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc, std::string const &unit, std::vector<T> const &docData)

Add an array of fields to a Schema, and return an ArrayKey that points to them.

  • [inout] schema: Schema to add fields to.

  • [in] name: Name prefix for all fields; “_0”, “_1”, etc. will be appended to this to form the full field names.

  • [in] doc: String used as the documentation for the fields. Should include a single boost::format template string, which will be substituted with the appropriate element from the docData array to form the full documentation string.

  • [in] unit: String used as the unit for all fields.

  • [in] docData: Vector of values substituted into the doc fields. The length of the vector determines the number of fields added.

static ArrayKey addFields(Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc, std::string const &unit, int size)

Add an array of fields to a Schema, and return an ArrayKey that points to them.

  • [inout] schema: Schema to add fields to.

  • [in] name: Name prefix for all fields; “_0”, “_1”, etc. will be appended to this to form the full field names.

  • [in] doc: String used as the documentation for the fields.

  • [in] unit: String used as the unit for all fields.

  • [in] size: Number of fields to add.