Class ChipVisitAstrometryMapping

Nested Relationships

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class ChipVisitAstrometryMapping : public lsst::jointcal::AstrometryMapping

The mapping with two transforms in a row.

Public Functions

ChipVisitAstrometryMapping(std::shared_ptr<SimpleAstrometryMapping> chipMapping, std::shared_ptr<SimpleAstrometryMapping> visitMapping)
ChipVisitAstrometryMapping(ChipVisitAstrometryMapping const&)

No copy or move: there is only ever one instance of a given model (i.e.. per ccd+visit)

ChipVisitAstrometryMapping &operator=(ChipVisitAstrometryMapping const&)
ChipVisitAstrometryMapping &operator=(ChipVisitAstrometryMapping&&)
std::size_t getNpar() const

Number of parameters in total.

void getMappingIndices(IndexVector &indices) const

Sets how this set of parameters (of length Npar()) map into the “grand” fit Expects that indices has enough space reserved.

void computeTransformAndDerivatives(FatPoint const &where, FatPoint &outPoint, Eigen::MatrixX2d &H) const

Actually applies the AstrometryMapping and evaluates the derivatives w.r.t the fitted parameters.

This is grouped into a single call because for most models, evaluating the derivatives w.r.T parameters is not much longer than just transforming

void transformPosAndErrors(FatPoint const &where, FatPoint &outPoint) const

The same as above but without the parameter derivatives (used to evaluate chi^2)

void offsetParams(Eigen::VectorXd const &delta)

Remember the error scale and freeze it.


this routine is not used when fitting (the Model manages the mappings separately), but can be useful for debugging

AstrometryTransform const &getTransform1() const

access to transforms

AstrometryTransform const &getTransform2() const

access to transforms

void positionDerivative(Point const &where, Eigen::Matrix2d &derivative, double epsilon) const

Currently not implemented.

void freezeErrorTransform()

Currently not implemented.