Class SimpleAstrometryModel

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class SimpleAstrometryModel : public lsst::jointcal::AstrometryModel

A model where there is one independent transform per CcdImage.

This modeling of distortions can even accommodate images set mixing instruments

  • ccdImageList: The exposures that will be fit.

  • projectionHandler: The projection from “Sky” (where the “true” coordinates live) to “Tangent Plane” (where the fitting occurs).

  • initFromWCS: Initialize the model parameters from the original exposure Wcs parameters?

  • nNotFit: How many exposure to hold fixed and not be fit? (the first n will be selected) .

  • order: The polynomial order of each exposure’s pixel-tangent plane mapping.

Public Functions

SimpleAstrometryModel(CcdImageList const &ccdImageList, const std::shared_ptr<ProjectionHandler const> projectionHandler, bool initFromWCS, unsigned nNotFit = 0, unsigned order = 3)
SimpleAstrometryModel(SimpleAstrometryModel const&)

No copy or move: there is only ever one instance of a given model (i.e.. per ccd+visit)

SimpleAstrometryModel &operator=(SimpleAstrometryModel const&)
SimpleAstrometryModel &operator=(SimpleAstrometryModel&&)
const AstrometryMapping *getMapping(CcdImage const&) const

Mapping associated to a given CcdImage.

Eigen::Index assignIndices(std::string const &whatToFit, Eigen::Index firstIndex)

Positions the various parameter sets into the parameter vector, starting at firstIndex.

void offsetParams(Eigen::VectorXd const &delta)

Offset the parameters by the provided amounts (by -delta).

The shifts are applied according to the indices given in assignIndices.

  • [in] delta: vector of offsets to apply

const std::shared_ptr<AstrometryTransform const> getSkyToTangentPlane(CcdImage const &ccdImage) const

the mapping of sky coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system in which fitted stars are reported) onto the Tangent plane (into which the pixel coordinates are transformed)

void freezeErrorTransform()
std::size_t getTotalParameters() const

Return the total number of parameters in this model.

AstrometryTransform const &getTransform(CcdImage const &ccdImage) const

Access to mappings.

std::shared_ptr<afw::geom::SkyWcs> makeSkyWcs(CcdImage const &ccdImage) const

Make a SkyWcs that contains this model.


SkyWcs containing this model.

  • ccdImage: The exposure to create the SkyWcs for.
