Class SdssShapeResultKey

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class SdssShapeResultKey : public lsst::afw::table::FunctorKey<SdssShapeResult>

A FunctorKey that maps SdssShapeResult to afw::table Records.

This is used internally by SdssShapeAlgorithm to transfer results from SdssShapeResult to SourceRecord, but it can also be used in the other direction by codes that need to extra an SdssShapeResult from a record.

Unnamed Group

bool operator==(SdssShapeResultKey const &other) const

Compare the FunctorKey for equality with another, using the underlying Keys.

bool operator!=(SdssShapeResultKey const &other) const

Public Functions


Default constructor; instance will not be usuable unless subsequently assigned to.

SdssShapeResultKey(afw::table::SubSchema const &s)

Construct from a subschema, assuming _xx, _yy, etc. subfields.

If a schema has “a_xx”, “a_yy”, etc. fields, this constructor allows you to construct a SdssShapeResultKey via:

SdssShapeResultKey k(schema["a"]);

virtual SdssShapeResult get(afw::table::BaseRecord const &record) const

Get an SdssShapeResult from the given record.

virtual void set(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, SdssShapeResult const &value) const

Set an SdssShapeResult in the given record.

virtual afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole getPsfShape(afw::table::BaseRecord const &record) const

Get a Quadrupole for the Psf from the given record.

virtual void setPsfShape(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &value) const

Set a Quadrupole for the Psf at the position of the given record.

bool isValid() const

Return True if the key is valid.

FlagHandler const &getFlagHandler() const

Public Static Functions

static SdssShapeResultKey addFields(afw::table::Schema &schema, std::string const &name, bool doMeasurePsf)

Add the appropriate fields to a Schema, and return a SdssShapeResultKey that manages them.

  • [inout] schema: Schema to add fields to.

  • [in] name: Name prefix for all fields; “_xx”, “_yy”, etc. will be appended to this to form the full field names.

  • [in] numFlags: Integer to accommodate not setting the Psf shape fields when doMeasurePsf is false.

  • [in] doMeasurePsf: Boolean indicating whether or not the Psf is being measured (as set in the SdssShapeControl class).