Class MultiShapeletPsfLikelihood

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class MultiShapeletPsfLikelihood : public lsst::meas::modelfit::Likelihood

Likelihood object used to fit multishapelet models to PSF model images; mostly for internal use by GeneralPsfFitter.

Public Functions

lsst::meas::modelfit::MultiShapeletPsfLikelihood::MultiShapeletPsfLikelihood(ndarray::Array< Pixel const, 2, 1 > const & image, geom::Point2I const & xy0, PTR ( Model ) model, Scalar sigma, ndarray::Array< Scalar const, 1, 1 > const & fixed)
void computeModelMatrix(ndarray::Array<Pixel, 2, -1> const &modelMatrix, ndarray::Array<Scalar const, 1, 1> const &nonlinear, bool doApplyWeights = true) const

Evaluate the model for the given vector of nonlinear parameters.

  • [out] modelMatrix: The dataDim x amplitudeDim matrix \(B\) that expresses the model projected in such a way that it can be compared to the data when multiplied by an amplitude vector \(\alpha\). It should be weighted if the data vector is. The caller is responsible for guaranteeing that the shape of the matrix correct, but implementations should not assume anything about the initial values of the matrix elements.

  • [in] nonlinear: Vector of nonlinear parameters at which to evaluate the model.

  • [in] doApplyWeights: If False, do not apply the weights to the modelMatrix.

virtual ~MultiShapeletPsfLikelihood()