Class MultiShapeletFunction

Class Documentation

class MultiShapeletFunction

A multi-scale shapelet function.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<MultiShapeletFunction> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<MultiShapeletFunction const> ConstPtr
typedef MultiShapeletFunctionEvaluator Evaluator
typedef ShapeletFunction Component
typedef std::vector<Component> ComponentList

Public Functions

ComponentList &getComponents()
ComponentList const &getComponents() const
void normalize(double value = 1.0)

Normalize the integral of the shapelet function to the given value.

void shiftInPlace(geom::Extent2D const &offset)

Shift the shapelet function by shifting the ellipse of each component.

void transformInPlace(geom::AffineTransform const &transform)

Transform the shapelet function by transforming the ellipse of each component.

MultiShapeletFunction convolve(ShapeletFunction const &other) const

Convolve the multi-shapelet function.

MultiShapeletFunction convolve(MultiShapeletFunction const &other) const

Convolve the multi-shapelet function.

MultiShapeletFunctionEvaluator evaluate() const

Construct a helper object that can efficiently evaluate the function.

MultiShapeletFunction(MultiShapeletFunction const &other)
MultiShapeletFunction(ComponentList const &components)
MultiShapeletFunction(ShapeletFunction const &component)