Template Function lsst::afw::math::details::intGKPNA

Function Documentation

template<class UF>
bool lsst::afw::math::details::intGKPNA(UF const &func, IntRegion<typename UF::result_type> &reg, typename UF::result_type const epsabs, typename UF::result_type const epsrel, std::map<typename UF::result_type, typename UF::result_type> *fxmap = 0)

Non-adaptive integration of the function f over the region ‘reg’.


The algorithm computes first a Gaussian quadrature value then successive Kronrod/Patterson extensions to this result. The functions terminates when the difference between successive approximations (rescaled according to rescale_error) is less than either epsabs or epsrel * I, where I is the latest estimate of the integral. The order of the Gauss/Kronron/Patterson scheme is determined by which file is included above. Currently schemes starting with order 1 and order 10 are calculated. There seems to be little practical difference in the integration times using the two schemes, so I haven’t bothered to calculate any more.