Template Function lsst::afw::table::io::python::addPersistableMethods

Function Documentation

template<typename Class, typename ...Args>
void lsst::afw::table::io::python::addPersistableMethods(pybind11::class_<Class, Args...> &cls)

Add table::io::Persistable and PersistableFacade methods to the pybind11 wrapper for a class

Use this instead of declarePersistableFacade to avoid circular import issues in Python; it allows your class to be used without importing lsst.afw.table.

Use as follows:

  • When declaring the pybind11 class that wraps your Class do not list table::io::PersistableFacade<Class> and table::io::Persistable as subclasses.

  • Call this function to wrap the methods that make your object persistable.