Struct SlotSuite

Struct Documentation

struct SlotSuite

An aggregate containing all of the current slots used in SourceTable.

This is essentially for internal use by SourceTable only; it is defined here to keep the source code for the slot mechanism in one place as much as possible.

Public Functions

void handleAliasChange(std::string const &alias, Schema const &schema)

Handle a callback from an AliasMap informing the table that an alias has changed.

SlotSuite(Schema const &schema)

Initialize the slots.

Public Members

FluxSlotDefinition defPsfFlux
FluxSlotDefinition defApFlux
FluxSlotDefinition defGaussianFlux
FluxSlotDefinition defModelFlux
FluxSlotDefinition defCalibFlux
CentroidSlotDefinition defCentroid
ShapeSlotDefinition defShape