Struct CentroidResult

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Struct Documentation

struct CentroidResult

A reusable struct for centroid measurements.

Subclassed by lsst::meas::base::SdssShapeResult

Public Functions


Constructor; initializes everything to NaN.

CentroidResult(CentroidElement x_, CentroidElement y_, CentroidCov const &matrix)

Constructor; initializes everything from values.

CentroidResult(CentroidElement x_, CentroidElement y_, ErrElement xErr_, ErrElement yErr_)

Constructor; initializes everything from values.

Centroid const getCentroid() const

Return a Point object containing the measured x and y.

void setCentroid(Centroid const &centroid)

Set the struct fields from the given Point object.

geom::Point<CentroidElement> getPoint()

Return the 2D point type corresponding to this result.

CentroidCov const getCentroidErr() const

Return the 2x2 symmetric covariance matrix, with rows and columns ordered (x, y)

void setCentroidErr(CentroidCov const &matrix)

Set the struct uncertainty fields from the given matrix, with rows and columns ordered (x, y)

void setCentroidErr(ErrElement _xErr, ErrElement _yErr)

Set the struct uncertainty fields from the sigma values.

Public Members

CentroidElement x

x (column) coordinate of the measured position

CentroidElement y

y (row) coordinate of the measured position

ErrElement xErr

standard deviation of x

ErrElement yErr

standard deviation of y

ErrElement x_y_Cov

x,y term in the uncertainty convariance matrix