Struct CModelControl

Struct Documentation

struct CModelControl

The main control object for CModel, containing parameters for the final linear fit and aggregating the other control objects.

Public Functions

lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_CONTROL_FIELD(psfName, std::string, "Field name prefix of the Shapelet PSF approximation used to convolve the galaxy model; " "must contain a set of fields matching the schema defined by shapelet.MultiShapeletFunctionKey.")
lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_NESTED_CONTROL_FIELD(region, lsst.meas.modelfit. pixelFitRegion, PixelFitRegionControl, "Configuration parameters related to the determination of the pixels to include in the fit.")
lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_NESTED_CONTROL_FIELD(initial, lsst.meas.modelfit. cmodel, CModelStageControl, "An initial fit (usually with a fast, approximate model) used to warm-start the exp and dev fits, " "convolved with only the zeroth-order terms in the multi-shapelet PSF approximation.")
lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_NESTED_CONTROL_FIELD(exp, lsst.meas.modelfit. cmodel, CModelStageControl, "Independent fit of the exponential component")
lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_NESTED_CONTROL_FIELD(dev, lsst.meas.modelfit. cmodel, CModelStageControl, "Independent fit of the de Vaucouleur component")
lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_CONTROL_FIELD(minInitialRadius, double, "Minimum initial radius in pixels (used to regularize initial moments-based PSF deconvolution)")
lsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl::LSST_CONTROL_FIELD(fallbackInitialMomentsPsfFactor, double, "If the 2nd-moments shape used to initialize the fit failed, use the PSF moments multiplied by this." " If<=0. 0, abort the fit early instead.")