Struct UnitSystem

Struct Documentation

struct UnitSystem

A simple struct that combines a Wcs and a PhotoCalib.

Public Functions

UnitSystem(geom::SpherePoint const &position, std::shared_ptr<const afw::image::PhotoCalib> photoCalib, double flux)

Construct a “standard” UnitSystem.

This constructs a UnitSystem with a TAN Wcs centered on the given position, with flux units set such that unit flux is the given magnitude. See modelfitUnits for an explanation of why we frequently use this system.

UnitSystem(geom::SpherePoint const &position, Scalar mag)
UnitSystem(std::shared_ptr<afw::geom::SkyWcs const> wcs_, std::shared_ptr<afw::image::PhotoCalib const> photoCalib)

Construct a UnitSystem from a given Wcs and PhotoCalib.

template<typename T>
UnitSystem(afw::image::Exposure<T> const &exposure)

Construct a UnitSystem by extracting the Wcs and PhotoCalib from an Exposure (implicit)

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<afw::geom::SkyWcs const> wcs
std::shared_ptr<afw::image::PhotoCalib const> photoCalib