
class lsst.ctrl.mpexec.CmdLineFwk

Bases: object

PipelineTask framework which executes tasks from command line.

In addition to executing tasks this activator provides additional methods for task management like dumping configuration or execution chain.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

configLog(longlog, logLevels) Configure logging system.
makeGraph(pipeline, args) Build a graph from command line arguments.
makePipeline(args) Build a pipeline from command line arguments.
parseAndRun([argv]) This method is a main entry point for this class, it parses command line and executes all commands.
runPipeline(graph, taskFactory, args[, butler]) Execute complete QuantumGraph.
showInfo(args, pipeline[, graph]) Display useful info about pipeline and environment.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

static configLog(longlog, logLevels)

Configure logging system.

longlog : bool

If True then make log messages appear in “long format”

logLevels : list of tuple

per-component logging levels, each item in the list is a tuple (component, level), component is a logger name or None for root logger, level is a logging level name (‘DEBUG’, ‘INFO’, etc.)

makeGraph(pipeline, args)

Build a graph from command line arguments.

pipeline : Pipeline

Pipeline, can be empty or None if graph is read from a file.

args : argparse.Namespace

Parsed command line

graph : QuantumGraph or None

If resulting graph is empty then None is returned.


Build a pipeline from command line arguments.

args : argparse.Namespace

Parsed command line

pipeline : Pipeline

This method is a main entry point for this class, it parses command line and executes all commands.

argv : list of str, optional

list of command line arguments, if not specified then sys.argv[1:] is used

runPipeline(graph, taskFactory, args, butler=None)

Execute complete QuantumGraph.

graph : QuantumGraph

Execution graph.

taskFactory : TaskFactory

Task factory

args : argparse.Namespace

Parsed command line

butler : Butler, optional

Data Butler instance, if not defined then new instance is made using command line options.

showInfo(args, pipeline, graph=None)

Display useful info about pipeline and environment.

args : argparse.Namespace

Parsed command line

pipeline : Pipeline

Pipeline definition

graph : QuantumGraph, optional

Execution graph