provides core astronomical measurement algorithms and base classes.
Using lsst.meas.base¶
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this module under the meas_base component.
Task reference¶
Command-line tasks¶
No topics.
- ApplyApCorrTask
Apply aperture corrections.
- BaseMeasurementTask
Ultimate base class for all measurement tasks.
- BaseReferencesTask
Base class for forced photometry subtask that fetches reference sources.
- CatalogCalculationTask
Run plugins which operate on a catalog of sources.
- CoaddSrcReferencesTask
Select reference sources by loading the “coadd source” dataset directly.
- ForcedMeasurementTask
Measure sources on an image, constrained by a reference catalog.
- MultiBandReferencesTask
Loads references from the multi-band processing scheme.
- SingleFrameMeasurementTask
A subtask for measuring the properties of sources on a single exposure.
- BaseMeasurementPluginConfig
Base config class for all measurement plugins.
- BasePluginConfig
Base class measurement plugin config classes.
- CatalogCalculationClassificationConfig
Configuration for catalog classification plugin.
- CatalogCalculationFootprintAreaConfig
Configuration for footprint area catalog calculation plugin.
- CatalogCalculationPluginConfig
Default configuration class for catalog calcuation plugins.
- ForcedPluginConfig
Base class for configs of forced measurement plugins.
- NoiseReplacerConfig
Noise replacement configuration.
- SingleFramePluginConfig
Base class for single-frame plugin configuration classes.
- SourceSlotConfig
Assign named plugins to measurement slots.
Python API reference¶
lsst.meas.base Package¶
Register an instrumental flux field name prefix for aperture correction. |
Generate a name for an algorithm. |
Get a copy of the field name prefixes which will be aperture corrected. |
Return whether the given bounding box overlaps the tract given a WCS. |
A decorator to register a plugin class in its base class’s registry. |
Wrap a C++ algorithm class to create a measurement plugin. |
Wrap a C++ algorithm’s control class into a Python config class. |
Expose a C++ |
Expose a C++ |
Expose a C++ |
Modify a C++ transform to accept either a |
Aperture correction configuration. |
Apply aperture corrections. |
Base configuration for all measurement driver tasks. |
Base class for all measurement plugins. |
Base config class for all measurement plugins. |
Ultimate base class for all measurement tasks. |
Base class for measurement plugins. |
Base class measurement plugin config classes. |
Base class for forced photometry subtask that fetches reference sources. |
Configuration for catalog classification plugin. |
Plugin which calculates a binary measure of source extendedness. |
Config class for the catalog calculation driver task. |
Configuration for footprint area catalog calculation plugin. |
Catalog calculation plugin to record the area of a source’s footprint. |
Base class for catalog calculation plugins. |
Default configuration class for catalog calcuation plugins. |
Run plugins which operate on a catalog of sources. |
Select reference sources by loading the “coadd source” dataset directly. |
A noise replacer which does nothing. |
Evaluate the local value of the Photometric Calibration in the exposure. |
Configuration for the variance calculation plugin. |
Evaluate the local, linear approximation of the Wcs. |
Configuration for the variance calculation plugin. |
alias of |
Config class for forced measurement driver task. |
Measure sources on an image, constrained by a reference catalog. |
Configuration for the forced peak centroid algorithm. |
Record the highest peak in a source footprint as its centroid. |
Config class for forced measurement driver task. |
A command-line driver for performing forced measurement on CCD images. |
A command-line driver for performing forced measurement on coadd images. |
Base class for forced measurement plugins. |
Base class for configs of forced measurement plugins. |
Configuration for the forced transformed centroid algorithm. |
Record the transformation of the reference catalog centroid. |
Configuration for the forced transformed shape algorithm. |
Record the transformation of the reference catalog shape. |
alias of |
Abstract base class for a generic plugin. |
Configuration for the input image counting plugin. |
Base class for measurement transformations. |
Replace sources with noise during measurement. |
Noise replacement configuration. |
Null transform which transfers no data from input to output. |
Copy fields from input to output without transformation. |
A data ID container which combines raw data IDs with a tract. |
Map of plugins to be run for a given task. |
Base class for plugin registries. |
Transform pixel centroid, without uncertainty, to celestial coordinates. |
Configuration for the focal plane position measurment algorithm. |
Algorithm to calculate the position of a centroid on the focal plane. |
alias of |
Configuration for the Jacobian calculation plugin. |
Compute the Jacobian and its ratio with a nominal pixel area. |
Config class for single frame measurement driver task. |
A subtask for measuring the properties of sources on a single exposure. |
Configuration for the single frame peak centroiding algorithm. |
Record the highest peak in a source footprint as its centroid. |
Base class for single-frame measurement plugin. |
Base class for single-frame plugin configuration classes. |
Configuration for the sky coordinates algorithm. |
Record the sky position of an object based on its centroid slot and WCS. |
alias of |
Members: |
Configuration for the variance calculation plugin. |