
class lsst.afw.display.ZScaleMapping(image, nSamples=1000, contrast=0.25)

Bases: lsst.afw.display.LinearMapping

A mapping for a linear stretch chosen by the zscale algorithm (preserving colours independent of brightness)

x = (I - minimum)/range


Image whose parameters are desired


The number of samples to use to estimate the zscale parameters


Methods Summary

intensity(imageR, imageG, imageB)

Return the total intensity from the red, blue, and green intensities

makeRgbImage([imageR, imageG, imageB, …])

Convert 3 arrays, imageR, imageG, and imageB into a numpy RGB image


Return an array which, when multiplied by an image, returns that image mapped to the range of a uint8, [0, 255] (but not converted to uint8)

Methods Documentation

intensity(imageR, imageG, imageB)

Return the total intensity from the red, blue, and green intensities


This is a naive computation, and may be overridden by subclasses

makeRgbImage(imageR=None, imageG=None, imageB=None, xSize=None, ySize=None, rescaleFactor=None)

Convert 3 arrays, imageR, imageG, and imageB into a numpy RGB image

imageRlsst.afw.image.Image or numpy.ndarray, (Nx, Ny)

Image to map to red (if None, use the image passed to the ctor)

imageGlsst.afw.image.Image or numpy.ndarray, (Nx, Ny), optional

Image to map to green (if None, use imageR)

imageBlsst.afw.image.Image or numpy.ndarray, (Nx, Ny), optional

Image to map to blue (if None, use imageR)

xSizeint, optional

Desired width of RGB image. If ySize is None, preserve aspect ratio

ySizeint, optional

Desired height of RGB image

rescaleFactorfloat, optional

Make size of output image rescaleFactor*size of the input image


Return an array which, when multiplied by an image, returns that image mapped to the range of a uint8, [0, 255] (but not converted to uint8)

The intensity is assumed to have had minimum subtracted (as that can be done per-band)