
class lsst.daf.butler.DatastoreDisabledCacheManager(config: Union[str, DatastoreCacheManagerConfig], universe: DimensionUniverse)

Bases: lsst.daf.butler.AbstractDatastoreCacheManager

A variant of the datastore cache where no cache is enabled.

configstr or DatastoreCacheManagerConfig

Configuration to control caching.


Set of all known dimensions, used to expand and validate any used in lookup keys.

Methods Summary

find_in_cache(ref, extension)

Look for a dataset in the cache and return its location.

move_to_cache(uri, ref)

Move dataset to cache but always refuse and returns None.


Indicate whether the entity should be added to the cache.

Methods Documentation

find_in_cache(ref: DatasetRef, extension: str)Optional[ButlerURI]

Look for a dataset in the cache and return its location.

Never finds a file.

move_to_cache(uri: ButlerURI, ref: DatasetRef)Optional[ButlerURI]

Move dataset to cache but always refuse and returns None.

should_be_cached(entity: Union[DatasetRef, DatasetType, StorageClass])bool

Indicate whether the entity should be added to the cache.

Always returns False.