
class lsst.daf.butler.TopologicalFamily(name: str, space: lsst.daf.butler.TopologicalSpace)

Bases: abc.ABC

A grouping of TopologicalRelationshipEndpoint objects.

These regions form a hierarchy in which one endpoint’s rows always contain another’s in a predefined way.

This hierarchy means that endpoints in the same family do not generally have to be have to be related using (e.g.) overlaps; instead, the regions from one “best” endpoint from each family are related to the best endpoint from each other family in a query.


Unique string identifier for this family.


Space in which the regions of this family live.

Methods Summary


Select the best member of this family to use.

Methods Documentation

abstract choose(endpoints: lsst.daf.butler.NamedValueAbstractSet[lsst.daf.butler.TopologicalRelationshipEndpoint])lsst.daf.butler.TopologicalRelationshipEndpoint

Select the best member of this family to use.

These are to be used in a query join or data ID when more than one is present.

Usually this should correspond to the most fine-grained region.

endpointsNamedValueAbstractSet [TopologicalRelationshipEndpoint]

Endpoints to choose from. May include endpoints that are not members of this family (which should be ignored).


The best endpoint that is both a member of self and in endpoints.