
class lsst.daf.butler.registry.RegistryDefaults(collections: Optional[Any] = None, run: Optional[str] = None, infer: bool = True, **kwargs: str)

Bases: object

A struct used to provide the default collections searched or written to by a Registry or Butler instance.

collectionsstr or Iterable [ str ], optional

An expression specifying the collections to be searched (in order) when reading datasets. If a default value for a governor dimension is not given via **kwargs, and exactly one value for that dimension appears in the datasets in collections, that value is also used as the default for that dimension. This may be a str collection name or an iterable thereof. See Collection expressions for more information. These collections are not registered automatically and must be manually registered before they are used by any Registry or Butler method, but they may be manually registered after a Registry or Butler is initialized with this struct.

runstr, optional

Name of the RUN collection new datasets should be inserted into. If collections is None and run is not None, collections will be set to [run]. If not None, this collection will automatically be registered when the default struct is attached to a Registry instance.

inferbool, optional

If True (default) infer default data ID values from the values present in the datasets in collections: if all collections have the same value (or no value) for a governor dimension, that value will be the default for that dimension. Nonexistent collections are ignored. If a default value is provided explicitly for a governor dimension via **kwargs, no default will be inferred for that dimension.


Default data ID key-value pairs. These may only identify “governor” dimensions like instrument and skymap, though this is only checked when the defaults struct is actually attached to a Registry.

Methods Summary


Validate the defaults struct and standardize its data ID.

Methods Documentation

finish(registry: Registry)None

Validate the defaults struct and standardize its data ID.

This should be called only by a Registry instance when the defaults struct is first associated with it.


Registry instance these defaults are being attached to.


Raised if a non-governor dimension was included in **kwargs at construction.