
class lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.CollectionManager

Bases: lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.VersionedExtension

An interface for managing the collections (including runs) in a Registry.


Each layer in a multi-layer Registry has its own record for any collection for which it has datasets (or quanta). Different layers may use different IDs for the same collection, so any usage of the IDs obtained through the CollectionManager APIs are strictly for internal (to Registry) use.

Methods Summary

addCollectionForeignKey(tableSpec, *[, …])

Add a foreign key (field and constraint) referencing the collection table.

addRunForeignKey(tableSpec, *[, prefix, …])

Add a foreign key (field and constraint) referencing the run table.


Return extension version as defined by current implementation.


Return full name of the extension.


Return the collection record associated with the given name.


Return the name of the field added by addCollectionForeignKey if called with the same prefix.


Retrieve the documentation string for a collection.


Return the name of the field added by addRunForeignKey if called with the same prefix.

initialize(db, context, *, dimensions)

Construct an instance of the manager.


Ensure all other operations on this manager are aware of any collections that may have been registered by other clients since it was initialized or last refreshed.

register(name, type[, doc])

Ensure that a collection of the given name and type are present in the layer this manager is associated with.


Completely remove a collection.


Return digest for schema piece managed by this extension.

setDocumentation(key, doc)

Set the documentation string for a collection.

Methods Documentation

abstract classmethod addCollectionForeignKey(tableSpec: lsst.daf.butler.core.ddl.TableSpec, *, prefix: str = 'collection', onDelete: Optional[str] = None, constraint: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)lsst.daf.butler.core.ddl.FieldSpec

Add a foreign key (field and constraint) referencing the collection table.


Specification for the table that should reference the collection table. Will be modified in place.

prefix: `str`, optional

A name to use for the prefix of the new field; the full name may have a suffix (and is given in the returned ddl.FieldSpec).

onDelete: `str`, optional

One of “CASCADE” or “SET NULL”, indicating what should happen to the referencing row if the collection row is deleted. None indicates that this should be an integrity error.

constraint: `bool`, optional

If False (True is default), add a field that can be joined to the collection primary key, but do not add a foreign key constraint.


Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the ddl.FieldSpec constructor (only the name and dtype arguments are otherwise provided).


Specification for the field being added.

abstract classmethod addRunForeignKey(tableSpec: lsst.daf.butler.core.ddl.TableSpec, *, prefix: str = 'run', onDelete: Optional[str] = None, constraint: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)lsst.daf.butler.core.ddl.FieldSpec

Add a foreign key (field and constraint) referencing the run table.


Specification for the table that should reference the run table. Will be modified in place.

prefix: `str`, optional

A name to use for the prefix of the new field; the full name may have a suffix (and is given in the returned ddl.FieldSpec).

onDelete: `str`, optional

One of “CASCADE” or “SET NULL”, indicating what should happen to the referencing row if the collection row is deleted. None indicates that this should be an integrity error.

constraint: `bool`, optional

If False (True is default), add a field that can be joined to the run primary key, but do not add a foreign key constraint.


Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the ddl.FieldSpec constructor (only the name and dtype arguments are otherwise provided).


Specification for the field being added.

abstract classmethod currentVersion()Optional[lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.VersionTuple]

Return extension version as defined by current implementation.

This method can return None if an extension does not require its version to be saved or checked.


Current extension version or None.

classmethod extensionName()str

Return full name of the extension.

This name should match the name defined in registry configuration. It is also stored in registry attributes. Default implementation returns full class name.


Full extension name.

abstract find(name: str)lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.CollectionRecord

Return the collection record associated with the given name.


Name of the collection.


Object representing the collection, including its type and ID. If record.type is CollectionType.RUN, this will be a RunRecord instance. If record.type is CollectionType.CHAIN, this will be a ChainedCollectionRecord instance.


Raised if the given collection does not exist.


Collections registered by another client of the same layer since the last call to initialize or refresh may not be found.

abstract classmethod getCollectionForeignKeyName(prefix: str = 'collection')str

Return the name of the field added by addCollectionForeignKey if called with the same prefix.


A name to use for the prefix of the new field; the full name may have a suffix.


The field name.

abstract getDocumentation(key: Any)Optional[str]

Retrieve the documentation string for a collection.


Internal primary key value for the collection.

docsstr or None

Docstring for the collection with the given key.

abstract classmethod getRunForeignKeyName(prefix: str = 'run')str

Return the name of the field added by addRunForeignKey if called with the same prefix.


A name to use for the prefix of the new field; the full name may have a suffix.


The field name.

abstract classmethod initialize(db: Database, context: StaticTablesContext, *, dimensions: DimensionRecordStorageManager)CollectionManager

Construct an instance of the manager.


Interface to the underlying database engine and namespace.


Context object obtained from Database.declareStaticTables; used to declare any tables that should always be present in a layer implemented with this manager.


Manager object for the dimensions in this Registry.


An instance of a concrete CollectionManager subclass.

abstract refresh()None

Ensure all other operations on this manager are aware of any collections that may have been registered by other clients since it was initialized or last refreshed.

abstract register(name: str, type: lsst.daf.butler.registry.CollectionType, doc: Optional[str] = None)lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.CollectionRecord

Ensure that a collection of the given name and type are present in the layer this manager is associated with.


Name of the collection.


Enumeration value indicating the type of collection.

docstr, optional

Documentation string for the collection. Ignored if the collection already exists.


Object representing the collection, including its type and ID. If type is CollectionType.RUN, this will be a RunRecord instance. If type is CollectionType.CHAIN, this will be a ChainedCollectionRecord instance.


Raised if this operation is invoked within a Database.transaction context.


Raised if a collection with this name but a different type already exists.


Concurrent registrations of the same collection should be safe; nothing should happen if the types are consistent, and integrity errors due to inconsistent types should happen before any database changes are made.

abstract remove(name: str)None

Completely remove a collection.

Any existing CollectionRecord objects that correspond to the removed collection are considered invalidated.


Name of the collection to remove.


If this collection is referenced by foreign keys in tables managed by other objects, the ON DELETE clauses of those tables will be invoked. That will frequently delete many dependent rows automatically (via “CASCADE”, but it may also cause this operation to fail (with rollback) unless dependent rows that do not have an ON DELETE clause are removed first.

abstract schemaDigest()Optional[str]

Return digest for schema piece managed by this extension.

digeststr or None

String representation of the digest of the schema, None should be returned if schema digest is not to be saved or checked. The length of the returned string cannot exceed the length of the “value” column of butler attributes table, currently 65535 characters.


There is no exact definition of digest format, any string should work. The only requirement for string contents is that it has to remain stable over time if schema does not change but it should produce different string for any change in the schema. In many cases default implementation in _defaultSchemaDigest can be used as a reasonable choice.

abstract setDocumentation(key: Any, doc: Optional[str])None

Set the documentation string for a collection.


Internal primary key value for the collection.

docsstr, optional

Docstring for the collection with the given key.