
class lsst.pipe.tasks.imageDifference.ImageDifferenceTask(butler=None, **kwargs)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.CmdLineTask, lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask

Subtract an image from a template and measure the result

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary


A hook to allow a task to change the values of its config after the camera-specific overrides are loaded but before any command-line overrides are applied.


Empty (clear) the metadata for this Task and all sub-Tasks.

fitAstrometry(templateSources, …)

Fit the relative astrometry between templateSources and selectSources


Get schema catalogs for all tasks in the hierarchy, combining the results into a single dict.


Get metadata for all tasks.


Get the task name as a hierarchical name including parent task names.


Get the name of the task.


Return resource configuration for this task.


Return a dict of empty catalogs for each catalog dataset produced by this task.


Get a dictionary of all tasks as a shallow copy.


Make a lsst.pex.config.ConfigurableField for this task.

makeIdFactory(expId, expBits)

Create IdFactory instance for unique 64 bit diaSource id-s.

makeSubtask(name, **keyArgs)

Create a subtask as a new instance as the name attribute of this task.

parseAndRun([args, config, log, doReturnResults])

Parse an argument list and run the command.

run([exposure, selectSources, …])

PSF matches, subtract two images and perform detection on the difference image.

runDataRef(sensorRef[, templateIdList])

Subtract an image from a template coadd and measure the result.

runDebug(exposure, subtractRes, …)

Make debug plots and displays.

runQuantum(butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs)

Method to do butler IO and or transforms to provide in memory objects for tasks run method

timer(name[, logLevel])

Context manager to log performance data for an arbitrary block of code.

writeConfig(butler[, clobber, doBackup])

Write the configuration used for processing the data, or check that an existing one is equal to the new one if present.


Write the metadata produced from processing the data.

writePackageVersions(butler[, clobber, …])

Compare and write package versions.

writeSchemas(butler[, clobber, doBackup])

Write the schemas returned by lsst.pipe.base.Task.getAllSchemaCatalogs.

Attributes Documentation

canMultiprocess = True

Methods Documentation

classmethod applyOverrides(config)

A hook to allow a task to change the values of its config after the camera-specific overrides are loaded but before any command-line overrides are applied.

configinstance of task’s ConfigClass

Task configuration.


This is necessary in some cases because the camera-specific overrides may retarget subtasks, wiping out changes made in ConfigClass.setDefaults. See LSST Trac ticket #2282 for more discussion.


This is called by CmdLineTask.parseAndRun; other ways of constructing a config will not apply these overrides.


Empty (clear) the metadata for this Task and all sub-Tasks.

fitAstrometry(templateSources, templateExposure, selectSources)

Fit the relative astrometry between templateSources and selectSources


Get schema catalogs for all tasks in the hierarchy, combining the results into a single dict.


Keys are butler dataset type, values are a empty catalog (an instance of the appropriate lsst.afw.table Catalog type) for all tasks in the hierarchy, from the top-level task down through all subtasks.


This method may be called on any task in the hierarchy; it will return the same answer, regardless.

The default implementation should always suffice. If your subtask uses schemas the override Task.getSchemaCatalogs, not this method.


Get metadata for all tasks.


The PropertySet keys are the full task name. Values are metadata for the top-level task and all subtasks, sub-subtasks, etc.


The returned metadata includes timing information (if @timer.timeMethod is used) and any metadata set by the task. The name of each item consists of the full task name with . replaced by :, followed by . and the name of the item, e.g.:


using : in the full task name disambiguates the rare situation that a task has a subtask and a metadata item with the same name.


Get the task name as a hierarchical name including parent task names.


The full name consists of the name of the parent task and each subtask separated by periods. For example:

  • The full name of top-level task “top” is simply “top”.

  • The full name of subtask “sub” of top-level task “top” is “top.sub”.

  • The full name of subtask “sub2” of subtask “sub” of top-level task “top” is “top.sub.sub2”.


Get the name of the task.


Name of the task.

See also


Return resource configuration for this task.

Object of type ResourceConfig or None if resource
configuration is not defined for this task.

Return a dict of empty catalogs for each catalog dataset produced by this task.


Get a dictionary of all tasks as a shallow copy.


Dictionary containing full task name: task object for the top-level task and all subtasks, sub-subtasks, etc.

classmethod makeField(doc)

Make a lsst.pex.config.ConfigurableField for this task.


Help text for the field.


A ConfigurableField for this task.


Provides a convenient way to specify this task is a subtask of another task.

Here is an example of use:

class OtherTaskConfig(lsst.pex.config.Config):
    aSubtask = ATaskClass.makeField("brief description of task")
static makeIdFactory(expId, expBits)

Create IdFactory instance for unique 64 bit diaSource id-s.


Exposure id.

expBits: `int`

Number of used bits in expId.

idFactory: lsst.afw.table.IdFactory
makeSubtask(name, **keyArgs)

Create a subtask as a new instance as the name attribute of this task.


Brief name of the subtask.


Extra keyword arguments used to construct the task. The following arguments are automatically provided and cannot be overridden:

  • “config”.

  • “parentTask”.


The subtask must be defined by, an instance of ConfigurableField or RegistryField.

classmethod parseAndRun(args=None, config=None, log=None, doReturnResults=False)

Parse an argument list and run the command.

argslist, optional

List of command-line arguments; if None use sys.argv.

configlsst.pex.config.Config-type, optional

Config for task. If None use Task.ConfigClass.

loglsst.log.Log-type, optional

Log. If None use the default log.

doReturnResultsbool, optional

If True, return the results of this task. Default is False. This is only intended for unit tests and similar use. It can easily exhaust memory (if the task returns enough data and you call it enough times) and it will fail when using multiprocessing if the returned data cannot be pickled.


Fields are:


the argument parser (lsst.pipe.base.ArgumentParser).


the parsed command returned by the argument parser’s parse_args method (argparse.Namespace).


the task runner used to run the task (an instance of Task.RunnerClass).


results returned by the task runner’s run method, one entry per invocation (list). This will typically be a list of Struct, each containing at least an exitStatus integer (0 or 1); see Task.RunnerClass (TaskRunner by default) for more details.


Calling this method with no arguments specified is the standard way to run a command-line task from the command-line. For an example see pipe_tasks bin/ or almost any other file in that directory.

If one or more of the dataIds fails then this routine will exit (with a status giving the number of failed dataIds) rather than returning this struct; this behaviour can be overridden by specifying the --noExit command-line option.

run(exposure=None, selectSources=None, templateExposure=None, templateSources=None, idFactory=None, calexpBackgroundExposure=None, subtractedExposure=None)

PSF matches, subtract two images and perform detection on the difference image.

exposurelsst.afw.image.ExposureF, optional

The science exposure, the minuend in the image subtraction. Can be None only if config.doSubtract==False.

selectSourceslsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog, optional

Identified sources on the science exposure. This catalog is used to select sources in order to perform the AL PSF matching on stamp images around them. The selection steps depend on config options and whether templateSources and matchingSources specified.

templateExposurelsst.afw.image.ExposureF, optional

The template to be subtracted from exposure in the image subtraction. The template exposure should cover the same sky area as the science exposure. It is either a stich of patches of a coadd skymap image or a calexp of the same pointing as the science exposure. Can be None only if config.doSubtract==False and subtractedExposure is not None.

templateSourceslsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog, optional

Identified sources on the template exposure.


Generator object to assign ids to detected sources in the difference image.

calexpBackgroundExposurelsst.afw.image.ExposureF, optional

Background exposure to be added back to the science exposure if config.doAddCalexpBackground==True

subtractedExposurelsst.afw.image.ExposureF, optional

If config.doSubtract==False and config.doDetection==True, performs the post subtraction source detection only on this exposure. Otherwise should be None.


Difference image.


The matched PSF exposure.


The returned result structure of the ImagePsfMatchTask subtask.


The catalog of detected sources.


The input source catalog with optionally added Qa information.


The following major steps are included:

  • warp template coadd to match WCS of image

  • PSF match image to warped template

  • subtract image from PSF-matched, warped template

  • detect sources

  • measure sources

For details about the image subtraction configuration modes see lsst.ip.diffim.

runDataRef(sensorRef, templateIdList=None)

Subtract an image from a template coadd and measure the result.

Data I/O wrapper around run using the butler in Gen2.


Sensor-level butler data reference, used for the following data products:

Input only: - calexp - psf - ccdExposureId - ccdExposureId_bits - self.config.coaddName + “Coadd_skyMap” - self.config.coaddName + “Coadd” Input or output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + “Diff_subtractedExp” Output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + “Diff_matchedExp” - self.config.coaddName + “Diff_src”


Returns the Struct by run.

runDebug(exposure, subtractRes, selectSources, kernelSources, diaSources)

Make debug plots and displays.

runQuantum(butlerQC: lsst.pipe.base.ButlerQuantumContext, inputRefs: lsst.pipe.base.InputQuantizedConnection, outputRefs: lsst.pipe.base.OutputQuantizedConnection)

Method to do butler IO and or transforms to provide in memory objects for tasks run method


A butler which is specialized to operate in the context of a lsst.daf.butler.Quantum.


Datastructure whose attribute names are the names that identify connections defined in corresponding PipelineTaskConnections class. The values of these attributes are the lsst.daf.butler.DatasetRef objects associated with the defined input/prerequisite connections.


Datastructure whose attribute names are the names that identify connections defined in corresponding PipelineTaskConnections class. The values of these attributes are the lsst.daf.butler.DatasetRef objects associated with the defined output connections.

timer(name, logLevel=10000)

Context manager to log performance data for an arbitrary block of code.


Name of code being timed; data will be logged using item name: Start and End.


A lsst.log level constant.

See also



Creating a timer context:

with self.timer("someCodeToTime"):
    pass  # code to time
writeConfig(butler, clobber=False, doBackup=True)

Write the configuration used for processing the data, or check that an existing one is equal to the new one if present.


Data butler used to write the config. The config is written to dataset type CmdLineTask._getConfigName.

clobberbool, optional

A boolean flag that controls what happens if a config already has been saved:

  • True: overwrite or rename the existing config, depending on doBackup.

  • False: raise TaskError if this config does not match the existing config.

doBackupbool, optional

Set to True to backup the config files if clobbering.


Write the metadata produced from processing the data.


Butler data reference used to write the metadata. The metadata is written to dataset type CmdLineTask._getMetadataName.

writePackageVersions(butler, clobber=False, doBackup=True, dataset='packages')

Compare and write package versions.


Data butler used to read/write the package versions.

clobberbool, optional

A boolean flag that controls what happens if versions already have been saved:

  • True: overwrite or rename the existing version info, depending on doBackup.

  • False: raise TaskError if this version info does not match the existing.

doBackupbool, optional

If True and clobbering, old package version files are backed up.

datasetstr, optional

Name of dataset to read/write.


Raised if there is a version mismatch with current and persisted lists of package versions.


Note that this operation is subject to a race condition.

writeSchemas(butler, clobber=False, doBackup=True)

Write the schemas returned by lsst.pipe.base.Task.getAllSchemaCatalogs.


Data butler used to write the schema. Each schema is written to the dataset type specified as the key in the dict returned by getAllSchemaCatalogs.

clobberbool, optional

A boolean flag that controls what happens if a schema already has been saved:

  • True: overwrite or rename the existing schema, depending on doBackup.

  • False: raise TaskError if this schema does not match the existing schema.

doBackupbool, optional

Set to True to backup the schema files if clobbering.


If clobber is False and an existing schema does not match a current schema, then some schemas may have been saved successfully and others may not, and there is no easy way to tell which is which.