.. _release-v21-0-0-data-products: ########################################## Changes to Data Products in Release 21.0.0 ########################################## The notes below highlight significant changes to data products generated by release 21.0.0 the Science Pipelines when processing DECam (HiTS; `Förster et al., 2016 <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016ApJ...832..155F/>`_ ) and/or Hyper Suprime-Cam data using the default configuration. Results obtained in practice will vary with the pipeline configuration. For a more detailed technical discussion of this release, refer to the :ref:`release notes <release-v21-0-0>`. Some items described in those notes may be missing here because they have not yet attained the level of vetting or integration necessary to include them in our standard processing, or simply because they have little or no effect on data products from the perspective of science users consuming them. Alert Production Data Products ============================== Data Release Data Products ==========================