.. _metrics-v12-0:

Characterization Metric Report: Science Pipelines Version 12.0

Photometric Repeatability Measurements

*Submitted by Jim Bosch*

This dataset is a selection of *i*-band HyperSuprime-Cam engineering data
taken in the SDSS Stripe 82 region. This dataset consists of 30s
exposures, so it is somewhat similar to projected LSST data in depth.
Our current calibration approach has many limitations relative to what
we ultimately plan to implement for LSST:

-  There's currently no relative calibration being run at all.
-  We have only limited correction for chromatic effects.
-  There's currently no allowance for zeropoint variations smaller
   than the scale of a CCD.
-  We also use a much simpler sample selection than that proposed by the

A Jupyter notebook to compute the metrics can be found at

| Metric Characterized      | Metric Ref | Target               | Measured  | Measurement         |
|                           |            |                      | Value     | Method              |
| Photometric repeatability | `DLP-307`_ | :math:`\leq 13` mmag | 10.6 mmag | `DM-3338`_ (i band) |
| (procCalRep)              |            |                      |           |                     |
| Photometric repeatability | `DLP-315`_ | :math:`\leq 13` mmag | 10.6 mmag | `DM-3338`_          |
| (PA1gri)                  |            |                      |           |                     |
| Photometric repeatability | `DLP-316`_ | :math:`\leq 13` mmag | 10.6 mmag | `DM-3338`_ (i band) |
| (PA1uzy)                  |            |                      |           |                     |

.. _DLP-307: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browser/DLP-307
.. _DLP-315: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browser/DLP-315
.. _DLP-316: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browser/DLP-316
.. _DM-3338: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3338

Algorithmic Performance Measurements

*Submitted by John Swinbank*

The *i*-band HSC engineering data (described above) was used where
possible and the same caveats apply. Consult the tickets in the
Measurement Method column for more details.

| Metric Characterized                        | Metric Ref | Target                       | Measured Value          | Measurement |
| Residual PSF Ellipticity Correlations (TE1) | `DLP-290`_ | :math:`\leq 5\times 10^{-3}` | :math:`6\times 10^{-5}` | `DM-3040`_  |
| Residual PSF Ellipticity Correlations (TE2) | `DLP-290`_ | :math:`\leq 5\times 10^{-3}` | :math:`2\times 10^{-5}` | `DM-3047`_  |
| Relative Astrometry (AM1)                   | `DLP-310`_ | :math:`< 60` mas             | 12.49 mas               | `DM-3057`_  |
| Relative Astrometry (AM2)                   | `DLP-311`_ | :math:`< 60` mas             | 12.19 mas               | `DM-3064`_  |

.. _DLP-290: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DLP-290
.. _DLP-310: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DLP-310
.. _DLP-311: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DLP-311
.. _DM-3040: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3040
.. _DM-3047: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3047
.. _DM-3057: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3057
.. _DM-3064: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3064

Summary of Computational Performance Measurements

*Submitted by John Swinbank and Simon Krughoff*

At this point of Construction, the computational performance
measurements are a combination of precursor data processing and
extrapolation from R&D assumptions.

DECam/HITS data was used for the OTT1 estimate and for the diffim and
single-frame measurement of the Alert Production Computational Budget in
combination with data from the `3rd Data
Challenge <https://dev.lsstcorp.org/trac/wiki/DC3bPT1_1>`_.

For the Data Release Production of the computational budget, we used
DECam/HITS data for estimating diffim performance, HSC-I for assembling
and measuring coadds and for forced measurement, estimates from FDR for
multifit, and data from the 3rd Data Challenge for SDQA. Calculations
for the DRP computational budget used `this iPython
notebook <https://github.com/lsst-dm/kpm/blob/29c053f7b832e8bd999527e012681826fc0c201c/DLP-314:%20DRP%20Computational%20Budget/LSST%20DRP%20Computational%20Budget.ipynb>`__.

| Metric Characterized     | Metric Ref | Target                  | Measured Value | Measurement Method |
| OTT1                     | `DLP-328`_ | :math:`\leq 240` sec    | 200-250 sec    | `DM-3724`_         |
| AP Computational Budget  | `DLP-329`_ | :math:`\leq 231` TFLOPS | 34-39 TFLOPS   | `DM-3267`_         |
| DRP Computational Budget | `DLP-314`_ | :math:`\leq 645` TFLOPS | 318 TFLOPS     | `DM-3083`_         |

.. _DLP-328: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DLP-328
.. _DLP-329: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DLP-329
.. _DLP-314: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DLP-314
.. _DM-3724: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3724
.. _DM-3267: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3267
.. _DM-3083: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-3083