.. _metrics-v13-0: ############################################################## Characterization Metric Report: Science Pipelines Version 13.0 ############################################################## Measured using `validation_data_hsc`_, which consists of 8 HSC engineering images: 4 *r*-band, 2 *i*'-band, and 2 *y*-band. Measurements were made on individual, separately-processed, single-frame images: Jointcal and/or meas_mosaic were not run. For comparison, we provide the SRD required “minimum†value of each metric as defined in the Science Requirements Document (`LPM-17`_), and, where available, the target for this release as defined in the Data Management Development Milestone Roadmap (`LDM-240`_). All values were computed using the :file:`examples/runHscTest.sh` script in the `validate_drp`_ package. Photometric Performance ======================= *Submitted by Michael Wood-Vasey* procCalRep corresponds to requirement OSS-REQ-0275 (defined in `LSE-30`_). All other photometric performance metrics follow LSS-REQ-0093 (`LSE-29`_) and `LPM-17`_ table 14. +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | Metric | Unit | SRD Requirement | Release 13 Target | Value | Comments | +================+======+===================+===================+==============+====================+ | procCalRep | mmag | :math:`\leq 13` | 10.0 | --- | Need simulations | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA1 (*g* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 8` | 12.0 | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA1 (*r* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 8` | 12.0 | 14.3 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA1 (*i* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 8` | 12.0 | 12.0 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PF1 (*g* band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PF1 (*r* band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 30.6 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PF1 (*i* band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 18.2 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA2 (*g* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 15` | --- | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA2 (*r* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 15` | --- | 19.6 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA2 (*i* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 15` | --- | 18.2 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA1 (*u* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 12` | 13.0 | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA1 (*z* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 12` | 13.0 | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA1 (*y* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 12` | 13.0 | 24.3 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PF1 (*u* band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PF1 (*z* band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PF1 (*y* band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 36.9 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA2 (*u* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 22.5` | --- | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA2 (*z* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 22.5` | --- | --- | No data | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ | PA2 (*y* band) | mmag | :math:`\leq 22.5` | --- | 33.6 | | +----------------+------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+ Astrometric Performance ======================= *Submitted by Michael Wood-Vasey* The following metrics are defined following LSR-REQ-0094 (`LSE-29`_) and `LPM-17`_ table 18. +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | Metric | Unit | SRD Requirement | Release 13 Target | Value | +================+======+=================+===================+==============+ | AM1 (*r*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 20` | 50.0 | 6.5 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AM1 (*i*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 20` | 50.0 | 10.5 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AF1 (*r*-band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 0.27 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AF1 (*i*-band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 0.69 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AD1 (*r*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 40` | --- | 6.5 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AD1 (*i*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 40` | --- | 7.5 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AM2 (*r*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 20` | 50.0 | 6.5 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AM2 (*i*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 20` | 50.0 | 10.5 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AF2 (*r*-band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 0.47 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AF2 (*i*-band) | % | :math:`\leq 20` | --- | 0.67 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AD2 (*r*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 40` | --- | 6.6 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ | AD2 (*i*-band) | mas | :math:`\leq 40` | --- | 7.3 | +----------------+------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------+ Ellipticity Correlations ======================== *Submitted by Michael Wood-Vasey* The following metrics are defined following LSR-REQ-0097 (`LSE-29`_) and `LPM-17`_ table 27. +----------------+------+------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------+ | Metric | Unit | SRD Requirement | Release 13 Target | Value | +================+======+==============================+==========================+============================+ | TE1 (*r*-band) | --- | :math:`\leq 3\times 10^{-5}` | :math:`1 \times 10^{-3}` | :math:`7.9 \times 10^{-7}` | +----------------+------+------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------+ | TE1 (*i*-band) | --- | :math:`\leq 3\times 10^{-5}` | :math:`1 \times 10^{-3}` | :math:`1.9 \times 10^{-6}` | +----------------+------+------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------+ | TE2 (*r*-band) | --- | :math:`\leq 3\times 10^{-7}` | :math:`1 \times 10^{-3}` | :math:`1.8 \times 10^{-6}` | +----------------+------+------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------+ | TE2 (*i*-band) | --- | :math:`\leq 3\times 10^{-7}` | :math:`1 \times 10^{-3}` | :math:`3.0 \times 10^{-7}` | +----------------+------+------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------+ Computational Performance ========================= Computational performance metrics were not re-measured for this release. We expect no significant changes relative to the :ref:`report on version 12 <metrics-v12-0>`. .. _validation_data_hsc: https://github.com/lsst/validation_data_hsc .. _validate_drp: https://github.com/lsst/validate_drp .. _LDM-240: http://ls.st/ldm-240 .. _LPM-17: http://ls.st/lpm-17 .. _LSE-29: http://ls.st/lse-29 .. _LSE-30: http://ls.st/lse-30