Source code for lsst.base.packages

# This file is part of base.
# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
# (
# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# for details of code ownership.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Determine which packages are being used in the system and their versions

There are a few different types of packages, and their versions are collected in different ways:
1. Run-time libraries (e.g., cfitsio, fftw): we get their version from interrogating the dynamic library
2. Python modules (e.g., afw, numpy; galsim is also in this group even though we only use it through the
   library, because no version information is currently provided through the library): we get their version
   from the __version__ module variable. Note that this means that we're only aware of modules that have
   already been imported.
3. Other packages provide no run-time accessible version information (e.g., astrometry_net): we get their
   version from interrogating the environment. Currently, that means EUPS; if EUPS is replaced or dropped then
   we'll need to consider an alternative means of getting this version information.
4. Local versions of packages (a non-installed EUPS package, selected with "setup -r /path/to/package"): we
   identify these through the environment (EUPS again) and use as a version the path supplemented with the
   git SHA and, if the git repo isn't clean, an MD5 of the diff.

These package versions are collected and stored in a Packages object, which provides useful comparison and
persistence features.

Example usage:

    from lsst.base import Packages
    pkgs = Packages.fromSystem()
    print "Current packages:", pkgs
    old ="/path/to/packages.pickle")
    print "Old packages:", old
    print "Missing packages compared to before:", pkgs.missing(old)
    print "Extra packages compared to before:", pkgs.extra(old)
    print "Different packages: ", pkgs.difference(old)
    old.update(pkgs)  # Include any new packages in the old
from builtins import object

import os
import sys
import hashlib
import importlib
import subprocess
import pickle as pickle
from collections import Mapping

from .versions import getRuntimeVersions

from future import standard_library

__all__ = ["getVersionFromPythonModule", "getPythonPackages", "getEnvironmentPackages", "Packages"]

# Packages used at build-time (e.g., header-only)
BUILDTIME = set(["boost", "eigen", "tmv"])

# Python modules to attempt to load so we can try to get the version
# We do this because the version only appears to be available from python, but we use the library
PYTHON = set(["galsim"])

# Packages that don't seem to have a mechanism for reporting the runtime version
# We need to guess the version from the environment
ENVIRONMENT = set(["astrometry_net", "astrometry_net_data", "minuit2", "xpa"])

[docs]def getVersionFromPythonModule(module): """Determine the version of a python module. Parameters ---------- module : `module` Module for which to get version. Returns ------- version : `str` Raises ------ AttributeError Raised if __version__ attribute is not set. Notes ----- We supplement the version with information from the __dependency_versions__ (a specific variable set by LSST's sconsUtils at build time) only for packages that are typically used only at build-time. """ version = module.__version__ if hasattr(module, "__dependency_versions__"): # Add build-time dependencies deps = module.__dependency_versions__ buildtime = BUILDTIME & set(deps.keys()) if buildtime: version += " with " + " ".join("%s=%s" % (pkg, deps[pkg]) for pkg in sorted(buildtime)) return version
[docs]def getPythonPackages(): """Get imported python packages and their versions. Returns ------- packages : `dict` Keys (type `str`) are package names; values (type `str`) are their versions. Notes ----- We wade through sys.modules and attempt to determine the version for each module. Note, therefore, that we can only report on modules that have *already* been imported. We don't include any module for which we cannot determine a version. """ # Attempt to import libraries that only report their version in python for module in PYTHON: try: importlib.import_module(module) except Exception: pass # It's not available, so don't care packages = {"python": sys.version} # Not iterating with sys.modules.iteritems() because it's not atomic and subject to race conditions moduleNames = list(sys.modules.keys()) for name in moduleNames: module = sys.modules[name] try: ver = getVersionFromPythonModule(module) except Exception: continue # Can't get a version from it, don't care # Remove "" in favor of "" # This prevents duplication when the includes "from .version import *" for ending in (".version", "._version"): if name.endswith(ending): name = name[:-len(ending)] if name in packages: assert ver == packages[name] elif name in packages: assert ver == packages[name] # Use LSST package names instead of python module names # This matches the names we get from the environment (i.e., EUPS) so we can clobber these build-time # versions if the environment reveals that we're not using the packages as-built. if "lsst" in name: name = name.replace("lsst.", "").replace(".", "_") packages[name] = ver return packages
_eups = None # Singleton Eups object
[docs]def getEnvironmentPackages(): """Get products and their versions from the environment. Returns ------- packages : `dict` Keys (type `str`) are product names; values (type `str`) are their versions. Notes ----- We use EUPS to determine the version of certain products (those that don't provide a means to determine the version any other way) and to check if uninstalled packages are being used. We only report the product/version for these packages. """ try: from eups import Eups from eups.Product import Product except ImportError: from lsst.pex.logging import getDefaultLog getDefaultLog().warn("Unable to import eups, so cannot determine package versions from environment") return {} # Cache eups object since creating it can take a while global _eups if not _eups: _eups = Eups() products = _eups.findProducts(tags=["setup"]) # Get versions for things we can't determine via runtime mechanisms # XXX Should we just grab everything we can, rather than just a predetermined set? packages = { prod.version for prod in products if prod in ENVIRONMENT} # The string 'LOCAL:' (the value of Product.LocalVersionPrefix) in the version name indicates uninstalled # code, so the version could be different than what's being reported by the runtime environment (because # we don't tend to run "scons" every time we update some python file, and even if we did sconsUtils # probably doesn't check to see if the repo is clean). for prod in products: if not prod.version.startswith(Product.LocalVersionPrefix): continue ver = prod.version gitDir = os.path.join(prod.dir, ".git") if os.path.exists(gitDir): # get the git revision and an indication if the working copy is clean revCmd = ["git", "--git-dir=" + gitDir, "--work-tree=" + prod.dir, "rev-parse", "HEAD"] diffCmd = ["git", "--no-pager", "--git-dir=" + gitDir, "--work-tree=" + prod.dir, "diff", "--patch"] try: rev = subprocess.check_output(revCmd).decode().strip() diff = subprocess.check_output(diffCmd) except Exception: ver += "@GIT_ERROR" else: ver += "@" + rev if diff: ver += "+" + hashlib.md5(diff).hexdigest() else: ver += "@NO_GIT" packages[] = ver return packages
[docs]class Packages(object): """A table of packages and their versions. Parameters ---------- packages : `dict` A mapping {package: version} where both keys and values are type `str`. Notes ----- This is essentially a wrapper around a dict with some conveniences. """ def __init__(self, packages): assert isinstance(packages, Mapping) self._packages = packages self._names = set(packages.keys()) @classmethod
[docs] def fromSystem(cls): """Construct a `Packages` by examining the system. Determine packages by examining python's sys.modules, runtime libraries and EUPS. Returns ------- packages : `Packages` """ packages = {} packages.update(getPythonPackages()) packages.update(getRuntimeVersions()) packages.update(getEnvironmentPackages()) # Should be last, to override products with LOCAL versions return cls(packages)
[docs] def read(cls, filename): """Read packages from filename. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Filename from which to read. Returns ------- packages : `Packages` """ with open(filename, "rb") as ff: return pickle.load(ff)
[docs] def write(self, filename): """Write to file. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Filename to which to write. """ with open(filename, "wb") as ff: pickle.dump(self, ff)
def __len__(self): return len(self._packages) def __str__(self): ss = "%s({\n" % self.__class__.__name__ # Sort alphabetically by module name, for convenience in reading ss += ",\n".join("%s: %s" % (repr(prod), repr(self._packages[prod])) for prod in sorted(self._names)) ss += ",\n})" return ss def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self._packages)) def __contains__(self, pkg): return pkg in self._packages def __iter__(self): return iter(self._packages)
[docs] def update(self, other): """Update packages with contents of another set of packages. Parameters ---------- other : `Packages` Other packages to merge with self. Notes ----- No check is made to see if we're clobbering anything. """ self._packages.update(other._packages) self._names.update(other._names)
[docs] def extra(self, other): """Get packages in self but not in another `Packages` object. Parameters ---------- other : `Packages` Other packages to compare against. Returns ------- extra : `dict` Extra packages. Keys (type `str`) are package names; values (type `str`) are their versions. """ return {pkg: self._packages[pkg] for pkg in self._names - other._names}
[docs] def missing(self, other): """Get packages in another `Packages` object but missing from self. Parameters ---------- other : `Packages` Other packages to compare against. Returns ------- missing : `dict` Missing packages. Keys (type `str`) are package names; values (type `str`) are their versions. """ return {pkg: other._packages[pkg] for pkg in other._names - self._names}
[docs] def difference(self, other): """Get packages in symmetric difference of self and another `Packages` object. Parameters ---------- other : `Packages` Other packages to compare against. Returns ------- difference : `dict` Packages in symmetric difference. Keys (type `str`) are package names; values (type `str`) are their versions. """ return {pkg: (self._packages[pkg], other._packages[pkg]) for pkg in self._names & other._names if self._packages[pkg] != other._packages[pkg]}