Source code for lsst.verify.job

# LSST Data Management System
# This product includes software developed by the
# LSST Project (
# See COPYRIGHT file at the top of the source tree.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
# the GNU General Public License along with this program.  If not,
# see <>.
from __future__ import print_function, division

__all__ = ['Job']

import json
import os

from .blobset import BlobSet
from .jobmetadata import Metadata
from .jsonmixin import JsonSerializationMixin
from .measurementset import MeasurementSet
from .metricset import MetricSet
from .specset import SpecificationSet
from . import squash

[docs]class Job(JsonSerializationMixin): """Container for `~lsst.verify.Measurement`\ s, `~lsst.verify.Blob` \s, and `~lsst.verify.Metadata` associated with a pipeline run. Parameters ---------- measurements : `MeasurementSet` or `list` of `Measurement`\ s, optional `Measurement`\ s to report in the Job. metrics : `list` of `Metric`\ s or a `MetricSet`, optional Optional list of `Metric`\ s, or a `MetricSet`. specs : `SpecificationSet` or `list` of `Specification`\ s, optional Optional specification information. meta : `dict`, optional Optional dictionary of metadata key-value entries. """ def __init__(self, measurements=None, metrics=None, specs=None, meta=None): if isinstance(measurements, MeasurementSet): self._meas_set = measurements else: self._meas_set = MeasurementSet(measurements) if isinstance(metrics, MetricSet): self._metric_set = metrics else: self._metric_set = MetricSet(metrics) if isinstance(specs, SpecificationSet): self._spec_set = specs else: self._spec_set = SpecificationSet(specs) # Create metadata last so it has access to the measurement set self._meta = Metadata(self._meas_set, data=meta) @classmethod
[docs] def load_metrics_package(cls, package_name_or_path='verify_metrics', subset=None, measurements=None, meta=None): """Create a Job with metrics and specifications pre-loaded from a Verification Framework metrics package, such as :ref:`verify_metrics <verify-metrics-package>`. Parameters ---------- package_name_or_path : `str`, optional Name of an EUPS package that hosts metric and specification definition YAML files **or** the file path to a metrics package. ``'verify_metrics'`` is the default package, and is where metrics and specifications are defined for most LSST Science Pipelines packages. subset : `str`, optional If set, only metrics and specification for this package are loaded. For example, if ``subset='validate_drp'``, only ``validate_drp`` metrics are loaded. This argument is equivalent to the `MetricSet.subset` method. Default is `None`. measurements : `MeasurementSet` or `list` of `Measurement`\ s, optional Measurements to report in the Job. meta : `dict`, optional Optional dictionary of metadata key-value entries to include in the Job. Returns ------- job : `Job` `Job` instance. """ metrics = MetricSet.load_metrics_package( package_name_or_path=package_name_or_path, subset=subset) specs = SpecificationSet.load_metrics_package( package_name_or_path=package_name_or_path, subset=subset) instance = cls(measurements=measurements, metrics=metrics, specs=specs, meta=meta) return instance
[docs] def deserialize(cls, measurements=None, blobs=None, metrics=None, specs=None, meta=None): """Deserialize a Verification Framework Job from a JSON serialization. Parameters ---------- measurements : `list`, optional List of serialized `Measurement` objects. blobs : `list`, optional List of serialized `Blob` objects. metrics : `list`, optional List of serialized `Metric` objects. specs : `list`, optional List of serialized specification objects. meta : `dict`, optional Dictionary of key-value metadata entries. Returns ------- job : `Job` `Job` instance built from serialized data. Examples -------- Together, `Job.json` and `Job.deserialize` allow a verification job to be serialized and later re-instantiated. >>> import json >>> job = Job() >>> json_str = json.dumps(job.json) >>> json_obj = json.loads(json_str) >>> new_job = Job.deserialize(**json_obj) """ blob_set = BlobSet.deserialize(blobs) metric_set = MetricSet.deserialize(metrics) spec_set = SpecificationSet.deserialize(specs) meas_set = MeasurementSet.deserialize( measurements=measurements, blob_set=blob_set, metric_set=metric_set) instance = cls(measurements=meas_set, metrics=metric_set, specs=spec_set, meta=meta) return instance
@property def measurements(self): """Measurements associated with the pipeline verification job (`MeasurementSet`). """ return self._meas_set @property def metrics(self): """Metrics associated with the pipeline verification job (`MetricSet`). """ return self._metric_set @property def specs(self): """Specifications associated with the pipeline verifification job (`SpecificationSet`). """ return self._spec_set @property def meta(self): """Metadata mapping (`Metadata`).""" return self._meta @property def json(self): """`Job` data as a JSON-serialiable `dict`.""" # Gather blobs from all measurements blob_set = BlobSet() for name, measurement in self._meas_set.items(): for blob_name, blob in measurement.blobs.items(): if (str(name) == blob_name) and (len(blob) == 0): # Don't serialize empty 'extras' blobs continue blob_set.insert(blob) doc = JsonSerializationMixin.jsonify_dict({ 'measurements': self._meas_set, 'blobs': blob_set, 'metrics': self._metric_set, 'specs': self._spec_set, 'meta': self._meta }) return doc def __eq__(self, other): if self.measurements != other.measurements: return False if self.metrics != other.metrics: return False if self.specs != other.specs: return False if self.meta != other.meta: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): """Merge another Job into this one. Parameters ---------- other : `Job` Job instance to be merged into this one. Returns ------- self : `Job` This `Job` instance. """ self.measurements.update(other.measurements) self.metrics.update(other.metrics) self.specs.update(other.specs) self.meta.update(other.meta) return self
[docs] def reload_metrics_package(self, package_name_or_path='verify_metrics', subset=None): """Load a metrics package and add metric and specification definitions to the Job, as well as the collected measurements. Parameters ---------- package_name_or_path : `str`, optional Name of an EUPS package that hosts metric and specification definition YAML files **or** the file path to a metrics package. ``'verify_metrics'`` is the default package, and is where metrics and specifications are defined for most packages. subset : `str`, optional If set, only metrics and specification for this package are loaded. For example, if ``subset='validate_drp'``, only ``validate_drp`` metrics are included in the `MetricSet`. This argument is equivalent to the `MetricSet.subset` method. Default is `None`. Notes ----- This method is useful for loading metric and specification definitions into a job that was created without this information. In addition to being added to `Job.metrics`, metrics are also attached to `Job.measurements` items. This ensures that measurement values are normalized into the units of the metric definition when a Job is serialized. See also -------- lsst.verify.MeasurementSet.refresh_metrics """ metrics = MetricSet.load_metrics_package( package_name_or_path=package_name_or_path, subset=subset) specs = SpecificationSet.load_metrics_package( package_name_or_path=package_name_or_path, subset=subset) self.metrics.update(metrics) self.specs.update(specs) # Insert mertics into measurements self.measurements.refresh_metrics(metrics)
[docs] def write(self, filename): """Write a JSON serialization to the filesystem. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Name of the JSON file (including directories). This name should be unique among all task executions in a pipeline. The recommended extension is ``'.verify.json'``. This convention is used by post-processing tools to discover verification framework outputs. """ dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if len(dirname) > 0: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.json, f)
[docs] def dispatch(self, api_user=None, api_password=None, api_url='', **kwargs): """POST the job to SQUASH, LSST Data Management's metric dashboard. Parameters ---------- api_url : `str`, optional Root URL of the SQUASH API server. api_user : `str`, optional API username. api_password : `str`, optional API password. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments passed to ``. """ full_json_doc = self.json # subset JSON to just the 'job' fields; no metrics and specs job_json = {k: full_json_doc[k] for k in ('measurements', 'blobs', 'meta')} access_token = squash.get_access_token(api_url, api_user, api_password), 'job', json_doc=job_json, access_token=access_token, **kwargs)
[docs] def report(self, name=None, spec_tags=None, metric_tags=None): """Create a verification report that lists the pass/fail status of measurements against specifications in this job. In a Jupyter notebook, this report can be shown as an inline table. Parameters ---------- name : `str` or `lsst.verify.Name`, optional A package or metric name to subset specifications by. When set, only measurement and specification combinations belonging to that package or metric are included in the report. spec_tags : sequence of `str`, optional A set of specification tag strings. when given, only specifications that have all the given tags are included in the report. For example, ``spec_tags=['LPM-17', 'minimum']``. metric_tags : sequence of `str`, optional A set of metric tag strings. When given, only specifications belonging to metrics that posess **all** given tags are included in the report. For example, ``metric_tags=['LPM-17', 'photometry']`` selects sepifications that have both the ``'LPM-17'`` and ``'photometry'`` tags. Returns ------- report : `lsst.verify.Report` Report instance. In a Jupyter notebook, you can view the report by calling ``. See also -------- Notes ----- This method uses the `` API to create the `lsst.verify.Report`, automatically inserting the `Job`\ 's measurements and metadata for filtering specifiation tests. In a Jupyter notebook environment, use the `` method to view an interactive HTML table. .. code-block:: python job = lsst.verify.Job() # ... report = """ report =, meta=self.meta, name=name, metric_tags=metric_tags, spec_tags=spec_tags, metrics=self.metrics) return report