Source code for lsst.verify.metricset

# LSST Data Management System
# This product includes software developed by the
# LSST Project (
# See COPYRIGHT file at the top of the source tree.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
# the GNU General Public License along with this program.  If not,
# see <>.
from __future__ import print_function, division

__all__ = ['MetricSet']

import os
import glob

from astropy.table import Table

import lsst.pex.exceptions
from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
from .jsonmixin import JsonSerializationMixin
from .metric import Metric
from .naming import Name
from .yamlutils import load_ordered_yaml

[docs]class MetricSet(JsonSerializationMixin): """A collection of `Metric`\ s. Parameters ---------- metrics : sequence of `Metric` instances, optional `Metric`\ s to be contained within the ``MetricSet``. """ def __init__(self, metrics=None): # Internal dict of Metrics. The MetricSet manages access through its # own mapping API. self._metrics = {} if metrics is not None: for metric in metrics: if not isinstance(metric, Metric): message = '{0!r} is not a Metric-type'.format(metric) raise TypeError(message) self._metrics[] = metric @classmethod
[docs] def load_metrics_package(cls, package_name_or_path='verify_metrics', subset=None): """Create a MetricSet from a Verification Framework metrics package. Parameters ---------- package_name_or_path : `str`, optional Name of an EUPS package that hosts metric and specification definition YAML files **or** the file path to a metrics package. ``'verify_metrics'`` is the default package, and is where metrics and specifications are defined for most packages. subset : `str`, optional If set, only metrics for this package are loaded. For example, if ``subset='validate_drp'``, only ``validate_drp`` metrics are included in the `MetricSet`. This argument is equivalent to the `MetricSet.subset` method. Default is `None`. Returns ------- metric_set : `MetricSet` A `MetricSet` containing `Metric` instances. See also -------- lsst.verify.MetricSet.load_single_package Notes ----- EUPS packages that host metrics and specification definitions for the Verification Framework have top-level directories named ``'metrics'`` and ``'specs'``. The metrics package chosen with the ``package_name_or_path`` argument. The default metric package for LSST Science Pipelines is ``verify_metrics``. To make a `MetricSet` from a single package's YAML metric definition file that **is not** contained in a metrics package, use `load_single_package` instead. """ try: # Try an EUPS package name package_dir = getPackageDir(package_name_or_path) except lsst.pex.exceptions.NotFoundError: # Try as a filesystem path instead package_dir = package_name_or_path finally: package_dir = os.path.abspath(package_dir) metrics_dirname = os.path.join(package_dir, 'metrics') if not os.path.isdir(metrics_dirname): message = 'Metrics directory {0} not found' raise OSError(message.format(metrics_dirname)) metrics = [] if subset is not None: # Load only a single package's YAML file metrics_yaml_paths = [os.path.join(metrics_dirname, '{0}.yaml'.format(subset))] else: # Load all package's YAML files metrics_yaml_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(metrics_dirname, '*.yaml')) for metrics_yaml_path in metrics_yaml_paths: new_metrics = MetricSet._load_metrics_yaml(metrics_yaml_path) metrics.extend(new_metrics) return cls(metrics)
[docs] def load_single_package(cls, metrics_yaml_path): """Create a MetricSet from a single YAML file containing metric definitions for a single package. Returns ------- metric_set : `MetricSet` A `MetricSet` containing `Metric` instances found in the YAML file. See also -------- lsst.verify.MetricSet.load_metrics_package Notes ----- The YAML file's name, without extension, is taken as the package name for all metrics. For example, ``validate_drp.yaml`` contains metrics that are identified as belonging to the ``validate_drp`` package. """ metrics = MetricSet._load_metrics_yaml(metrics_yaml_path) return cls(metrics)
@staticmethod def _load_metrics_yaml(metrics_yaml_path): # package name is inferred from YAML file name (by definition) metrics_yaml_path = os.path.abspath(metrics_yaml_path) package_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(metrics_yaml_path))[0] metrics = [] with open(metrics_yaml_path) as f: yaml_doc = load_ordered_yaml(f) for metric_name, metric_doc in yaml_doc.items(): name = Name(package=package_name, metric=metric_name) # throw away a 'name' field if there happens to be one metric_doc.pop('name', None) # Create metric instance metric = Metric.deserialize(name=name, **metric_doc) metrics.append(metric) return metrics @classmethod
[docs] def deserialize(cls, metrics=None): """Deserialize metric JSON objects into a MetricSet instance. Parameters ---------- metrics : `list` List of metric JSON serializations (typically created by `MetricSet.json`). Returns ------- metric_set : `MetricSet` `MetricSet` instance. """ instance = cls() for metric_doc in metrics: metric = Metric.deserialize(**metric_doc) instance.insert(metric) return instance
@property def json(self): """A JSON-serializable object (`list`).""" doc = JsonSerializationMixin._jsonify_list( [metric for name, metric in self.items()] ) return doc def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, Name): key = Name(metric=key) return self._metrics[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, Name): key = Name(metric=key) # Key name must be for a metric if not key.is_metric: message = 'Key {0!r} is not a metric name'.format(key) raise KeyError(message) # value must be a metric type if not isinstance(value, Metric): message = 'Expected {0!s}={1!r} to be a Metric-type'.format( key, value) raise TypeError(message) # Metric name and key name must be consistent if != key: message = 'Key {0!s} inconsistent with Metric {0!s}' raise KeyError(message.format(key, value)) self._metrics[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, Name): key = Name(metric=key) del self._metrics[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._metrics) def __contains__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, Name): key = Name(metric=key) return key in self._metrics def __iter__(self): for key in self._metrics: yield key def __str__(self): count = len(self) if count == 0: count_str = 'empty' elif count == 1: count_str = '1 Metric' else: count_str = '{count:d} Metrics'.format(count=count) return '<MetricSet: {0}>'.format(count_str) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False for name, metric in self.items(): try: if metric != other[name]: return False except KeyError: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): """Merge another `MetricSet` into this one. Parameters --------- other : `MetricSet` Another `MetricSet`. Metrics in ``other`` that do exist in this set are added to this one. Metrics in ``other`` replace metrics of the same name in this one. Returns ------- self : `MetricSet` This `MetricSet`. Notes ----- Equivalent to `update`. """ self.update(other) return self
[docs] def insert(self, metric): """Insert a `Metric` into the set. Any pre-existing metric with the same name is replaced Parameters ---------- metric : `Metric` A metric. """ self[] = metric
[docs] def keys(self): """Get a list of metric names included in the set Returns ------- keys : `list` of `Name` List of `Name`\ s included in the set. """ return self._metrics.keys()
[docs] def items(self): """Iterate over ``(name, metric)`` pairs in the set. Yields ------ item : tuple Tuple containing: - `Name` of the `Metric` - `Metric` instance """ for item in self._metrics.items(): yield item
[docs] def subset(self, package=None, tags=None): """Create a new `MetricSet` with metrics belonging to a single package and/or tag. Parameters ---------- package : `str` or `lsst.verify.Name`, optional Name of the package to subset metrics by. If the package name is ``'pkg_a'``, then metric ``'pkg_a.metric_1'`` would be **included** in the subset, while ``'pkg_b.metric_2'`` would be **excluded**. tags : sequence of `str`, optional Tags to select metrics by. These tags must be a subset (``<=``) of the `Metric.tags` for the metric to be selected. Returns ------- metric_subset : `MetricSet` Subset of this metric set containing only metrics belonging to the specified package and/or tag. Notes ----- If both ``package`` and ``tag`` are provided then the resulting `MetricSet` contains the **intersection** of the package-based and tag-based selections. That is, metrics will belong to ``package`` and posess the tag ``tag``. """ if package is not None and not isinstance(package, Name): package = Name(package=package) if tags is not None: tags = set(tags) if package is not None and tags is None: metrics = [metric for metric_name, metric in self._metrics.items() if metric_name in package] elif package is not None and tags is not None: metrics = [metric for metric_name, metric in self._metrics.items() if metric_name in package if tags <= metric.tags] elif package is None and tags is not None: metrics = [metric for metric_name, metric in self._metrics.items() if tags <= metric.tags] else: metrics = [] return MetricSet(metrics)
[docs] def update(self, other): """Merge another `MetricSet` into this one. Parameters ---------- other : `MetricSet` Another `MetricSet`. Metrics in ``other`` that do exist in this set are added to this one. Metrics in ``other`` replace metrics of the same name in this one. """ for _, metric in other.items(): self.insert(metric)
def _repr_html_(self): """Make an HTML representation of metrics for Jupyter notebooks. """ name_col = [] tags_col = [] units_col = [] description_col = [] reference_col = [] metric_names = list(self.keys()) metric_names.sort() for metric_name in metric_names: metric = self[metric_name] name_col.append(str(metric_name)) tags = list(metric.tags) tags.sort() tags_col.append(', '.join(tags)) units_col.append("{0:latex}".format(metric.unit)) description_col.append(metric.description) reference_col.append(metric.reference) table = Table([name_col, description_col, units_col, reference_col, tags_col], names=['Name', 'Description', 'Units', 'Reference', 'Tags']) return table._repr_html_()