# LSST Data Management System
# Copyright 2016 LSST Corporation.
# This product includes software developed by the
# LSST Project (http://www.lsst.org/).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
# the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <http://www.lsstcorp.org/LegalNotices/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import numpy as np
import astropy.coordinates
import astropy.time
import astropy.units
from lsst.log import Log
from lsst.daf.base import DateTime
from lsst.afw.geom import degrees
from lsst.afw.image import VisitInfo
__all__ = ["MakeRawVisitInfo"]
PascalPerMillibar = 100.0
PascalPerMmHg = 133.322387415 # from Wikipedia; exact
PascalPerTorr = 101325.0/760.0 # from Wikipedia; exact
KelvinMinusCentigrade = 273.15 # from Wikipedia; exact
# have these read at need, to avoid unexpected errors later
NaN = float("nan")
BadDate = DateTime()
[docs]class MakeRawVisitInfo(object):
"""Base class functor to make a VisitInfo from the FITS header of a raw image.
A subclass will be wanted for each camera. Subclasses should override:
- `setArgDict`, The override can call the base implementation,
which simply sets exposure time and date of observation
- `getDateAvg`
The design philosophy is to make a best effort and log warnings of problems,
rather than raising exceptions, in order to extract as much VisitInfo information as possible
from a messy FITS header without the user needing to add a lot of error handling.
However, the methods that transform units are less forgiving; they assume
the user provides proper data types, since type errors in arguments to those
are almost certainly due to coding mistakes.
log : `lsst.log.Log` or None
Logger to use for messages.
(None to use ``Log.getLogger("MakeRawVisitInfo")``).
def __init__(self, log=None):
if log is None:
log = Log.getLogger("MakeRawVisitInfo")
self.log = log
[docs] def __call__(self, md, exposureId):
"""Construct a VisitInfo and strip associated data from the metadata.
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `lsst.daf.base.PropertySet`
Metadata to pull from.
Items that are used are stripped from the metadata (except TIMESYS,
because it may apply to other keywords).
exposureId : `int`
exposure ID
The basic implementation sets `date` and `exposureTime` using typical values
found in FITS files and logs a warning if neither can be set.
argDict = dict(exposureId=exposureId)
self.setArgDict(md, argDict)
for key in list(argDict.keys()): # use a copy because we may delete items
if argDict[key] is None:
self.log.warn("argDict[{}] is None; stripping".format(key, argDict[key]))
del argDict[key]
return VisitInfo(**argDict)
[docs] def setArgDict(self, md, argDict):
"""Fill an argument dict with arguments for VisitInfo and pop associated metadata
Subclasses are expected to override this method, though the override
may wish to call this default implementation, which:
- sets exposureTime from "EXPTIME"
- sets date by calling getDateAvg
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull from.
Items that are used are stripped from the metadata (except TIMESYS,
because it may apply to other keywords).
argdict : `dict`
dict of arguments
Subclasses should expand this or replace it.
argDict["exposureTime"] = self.popFloat(md, "EXPTIME")
argDict["date"] = self.getDateAvg(md=md, exposureTime=argDict["exposureTime"])
[docs] def getDateAvg(self, md, exposureTime):
"""Return date at the middle of the exposure.
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull from.
Items that are used are stripped from the metadata (except TIMESYS,
because it may apply to other keywords).
exposureTime : `float`
Exposure time (sec)
Subclasses must override. Here is a typical implementation::
dateObs = self.popIsoDate(md, "DATE-OBS")
return self.offsetDate(dateObs, 0.5*exposureTime)
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getDarkTime(self, argDict):
"""Get the darkTime from the DARKTIME keyword, else expTime, else NaN,
If dark time is available then subclasses should call this method by
putting the following in their `__init__` method::
argDict['darkTime'] = self.getDarkTime(argDict)
argdict : `dict`
Dict of arguments.
Dark time, as inferred from the metadata.
darkTime = argDict.get("darkTime", NaN)
if np.isfinite(darkTime):
return darkTime
self.log.info("darkTime is NaN/Inf; using exposureTime")
exposureTime = argDict.get("exposureTime", NaN)
if not np.isfinite(exposureTime):
raise RuntimeError("Tried to substitute exposureTime for darkTime but it is not available")
return exposureTime
[docs] def offsetDate(self, date, offsetSec):
"""Return a date offset by a specified number of seconds.
date : `lsst.daf.base.DateTime`
Date baseline to offset from.
offsetSec : `float`
Offset, in seconds.
The offset date.
if not date.isValid():
self.log.warn("date is invalid; cannot offset it")
return date
if math.isnan(offsetSec):
self.log.warn("offsetSec is invalid; cannot offset date")
return date
dateNSec = date.nsecs(DateTime.TAI)
return DateTime(dateNSec + int(offsetSec*1.0e9), DateTime.TAI)
[docs] def popItem(self, md, key, default=None):
"""Remove an item of metadata and return the value.
Log a warning if the key is not found.
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull `key` from and remove.
key : `str`
Metadata key to extract.
default : `object`
Value to return if key not found.
The value of the specified key, using whatever type md.get(key)
if not md.exists(key):
self.log.warn("Key=\"{}\" not in metadata".format(key))
return default
val = md.get(key)
return val
except Exception as e:
# this should never happen, but is a last ditch attempt to avoid exceptions
self.log.warn("Could not read key=\"{}\" in metadata: {}" % (key, e))
return default
[docs] def popFloat(self, md, key):
"""Pop a float with a default of NaN.
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull `key` from and remove.
key : `str`
Key to read and remove from md.
Value of the requested key as a float; float("nan") if the key is
not found.
val = self.popItem(md, key, default=NaN)
return float(val)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warn("Could not interpret {} value {} as a float: {}".format(key, repr(val), e))
return NaN
[docs] def popAngle(self, md, key, units=astropy.units.deg):
"""Pop an lsst.afw.geom.Angle, whose metadata is in the specified units, with a default of Nan
The angle may be specified as a float or sexagesimal string with 1-3 fields.
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull `key` from and remove.
key : `str`
Key to read and remove from md.
Value of the requested key as an angle; Angle(NaN) if the key is
not found.
angleStr = self.popItem(md, key, default=None)
if angleStr is not None:
return (astropy.coordinates.Angle(angleStr, unit=units).deg)*degrees
except Exception as e:
self.log.warn("Could not intepret {} value {} as an angle: {}".format(key, repr(angleStr), e))
return NaN*degrees
[docs] def popIsoDate(self, md, key, timesys=None):
"""Pop a FITS ISO date as an lsst.daf.base.DateTime
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull `key` from and remove.
key : `str`
Date key to read and remove from md.
timesys : `str`
Time system as a string (not case sensitive), e.g. "UTC" or None;
if None then look for TIMESYS (but do NOT pop it, since it may be
used for more than one date) and if not found, use UTC.
Value of the requested date; `DateTime()` if the key is not found.
isoDateStr = self.popItem(md=md, key=key)
if isoDateStr is not None:
if timesys is None:
timesys = md.get("TIMESYS") if md.exists("TIMESYS") else "UTC"
if isoDateStr.endswith("Z"): # illegal in FITS
isoDateStr = isoDateStr[0:-1]
astropyTime = astropy.time.Time(isoDateStr, scale=timesys.lower(), format="fits")
# DateTime uses nanosecond resolution, regardless of the resolution of the original date
astropyTime.precision = 9
# isot is ISO8601 format with "T" separating date and time and no time zone
return DateTime(astropyTime.tai.isot, DateTime.TAI)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warn("Could not parse {} = {} as an ISO date: {}".format(key, isoDateStr, e))
return BadDate
[docs] def popMjdDate(self, md, key, timesys=None):
"""Get a FITS MJD date as an ``lsst.daf.base.DateTime``.
md : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList` or `PropertySet`
Metadata to pull `key` from and remove.
key : `str`
Date key to read and remove from md.
timesys : `str`
Time system as a string (not case sensitive), e.g. "UTC" or None;
if None then look for TIMESYS (but do NOT pop it, since it may be
used for more than one date) and if not found, use UTC.
Value of the requested date; `DateTime()` if the key is not found.
mjdDate = self.popFloat(md, key)
if timesys is None:
timesys = md.get("TIMESYS") if md.exists("TIMESYS") else "UTC"
astropyTime = astropy.time.Time(mjdDate, format="mjd", scale=timesys.lower())
# DateTime uses nanosecond resolution, regardless of the resolution of the original date
astropyTime.precision = 9
# isot is ISO8601 format with "T" separating date and time and no time zone
return DateTime(astropyTime.tai.isot, DateTime.TAI)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warn("Could not parse {} = {} as an MJD date: {}".format(key, mjdDate, e))
return BadDate
[docs] def eraFromLstAndLongitude(lst, longitude):
Return an approximate Earth Rotation Angle (afw:Angle) computed from
local sidereal time and longitude (both as afw:Angle; Longitude shares
the afw:Observatory covention: positive values are E of Greenwich).
NOTE: if we properly compute ERA via UT1 a la DM-8053, we should remove
this method.
return lst - longitude
[docs] def altitudeFromZenithDistance(zd):
"""Convert zenith distance to altitude (lsst.afw.geom.Angle)"""
return 90*degrees - zd
[docs] def centigradeFromKelvin(tempK):
"""Convert temperature from Kelvin to Centigrade"""
return tempK - KelvinMinusCentigrade
[docs] def pascalFromMBar(mbar):
"""Convert pressure from millibars to Pascals
return mbar*PascalPerMillibar
[docs] def pascalFromMmHg(mmHg):
"""Convert pressure from mm Hg to Pascals
Could use the following, but astropy.units.cds is not fully compatible with Python 2
as of astropy 1.2.1 (see https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/5350#issuecomment-248612824):
astropy.units.cds.mmHg.to(astropy.units.pascal, mmHg)
return mmHg*PascalPerMmHg
[docs] def pascalFromTorr(torr):
"""Convert pressure from torr to Pascals
return torr*PascalPerTorr