
Python API reference

lsst.validate.drp Package

lsst.validate.drp.validate Module

Main driver functions for metric measurements, plotting, specification grading, and persistence.


plot_metrics(job, filterName[, outputPrefix]) Plot AM1, AM2, AM3, PA1 plus related informational plots.
print_metrics(job[, levels])
print_pass_fail_summary(jobs[, levels, …])
run(repo_or_json[, metrics, outputPrefix, …]) Main entrypoint from
runOneFilter(repo, visitDataIds, metrics[, …]) Main executable for the case where there is just one filter.

lsst.validate.drp.util Module

Miscellaneous functions to support lsst.validate.drp.


averageDecFromCat(cat) Compute the average declination from a catalog of measurements.
averageRaDec(ra, dec) Calculate average RA, Dec from input lists using spherical geometry.
averageRaDecFromCat(cat) Calculate the average right ascension and declination from a catalog.
averageRaFromCat(cat) Compute the average right ascension from a catalog of measurements.
constructDataIds(filters, visits, ccds[, …]) Returns a list of dataIds consisting of every combination of visit & ccd for each filter.
constructRunList(filter, visits, ccds[, …]) Construct a comprehensive runList for
discoverDataIds(repo, **kwargs) Retrieve a list of all dataIds in a repo.
ellipticity(I_xx, I_xy, I_yy) Calculate ellipticity from second moments.
ellipticity_from_cat(cat[, slot_shape]) Calculate the ellipticity of the Shapes in a catalog from the 2nd moments.
ellipticity_from_shape(shape) Calculate the ellipticty of shape from its moments.
getCcdKeyName(dataid) Return the key in a dataId that’s referring to the CCD or moral equivalent.
loadDataIdsAndParameters(configFile) Load data IDs, magnitude range, and expected metrics from a yaml file.
loadParameters(configFile) Load configuration parameters from a yaml file.
loadRunList(configFile) Load run list from a YAML file.
medianEllipticity1ResidualsFromCat(cat) Compute the median real ellipticty residuals from a catalog of measurements.
medianEllipticity2ResidualsFromCat(cat) Compute the median imaginary ellipticty residuals from a catalog of measurements.
medianEllipticityResidualsFromCat(cat) Compute the median ellipticty residuals from a catalog of measurements.
positionRms(ra_avg, dec_avg, ra, dec) Calculate the RMS between RA_avg, Dec_avg and RA, Dec
positionRmsFromCat(cat) Calculate the RMS for RA, Dec for a set of observations an object.
raftSensorToInt(vId) Construct an int that encodes raft, sensor coordinates.
repoNameToPrefix(repo) Generate a base prefix for plots based on the repo name.
sphDist(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2) Calculate distance on the surface of a unit sphere.

lsst.validate.drp.matchedVisitMetricsTask Module


MatchedVisitMetricsRunner(TaskClass, parsedCmd) Subclass of TaskRunner for MatchedVisitMetrics
MatchedVisitMetricsTask([config, name, …]) An alternate command-line driver for the validate_drp metrics.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.validate.drp.matchedVisitMetricsTask.MatchedVisitMetricsRunner, lsst.validate.drp.matchedVisitMetricsTask.MatchedVisitMetricsConfig, lsst.validate.drp.matchedVisitMetricsTask.MatchedVisitMetricsTask

lsst.validate.drp.photerrmodel Module

Analytic single-visit photometric error model.


photErrModel(mag, sigmaSys, gamma, m5, **kwargs) Model of photometric error for a single visit.
fitPhotErrModel(mag, mag_err) Fit photometric error model from the LSST Overview paper:
build_photometric_error_model(…[, …]) Returns a serializable analytic photometry error model for a single visit.

lsst.validate.drp.astromerrmodel Module

Analytic astrometric accuracy model.


astromErrModel(snr[, theta, sigmaSys, C]) Calculate expected astrometric uncertainty based on SNR.
fitAstromErrModel(snr, dist) Fit model of astrometric error from the LSST Overview paper:
build_astrometric_error_model(…[, …]) Serializable model of astrometry errors across multiple visits.