
class lsst.jointcal.JointcalConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.config.Config

Config for JointcalTask

Attributes Summary

allowLineSearch Allow a line search during minimization, if it is reasonable for the model (models with a significant non-linear component, e.g.
astrometryChipOrder Order of the per-chip transform for the constrained astrometry model.
astrometryDoRankUpdate Do the rank update step during minimization (should not change the astrometry fit).
astrometryModel Type of model to fit to astrometry (str, default 'simple')
astrometryRefObjLoader Reference object loader for astrometric fit (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.loadIndexedReferenceObjects.LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig'>)
astrometrySimpleOrder Polynomial order for fitting the simple astrometry model.
astrometryVisitOrder Order of the per-visit transform for the constrained astrometry model.
coaddName Type of coadd, typically deep or goodSeeing (str, default 'deep')
doAstrometry Fit astrometry and write the fitted result.
doPhotometry Fit photometry and write the fitted result.
matchCut Matching radius between fitted and reference stars (arcseconds) (float, default 3.0)
maxAstrometrySteps Maximum number of minimize iterations to take when fitting photometry.
maxPhotometrySteps Maximum number of minimize iterations to take when fitting photometry.
minMeasuredStarsPerCcd Minimum number of measuredStars per ccdImage before printing warnings (int, default 100)
minMeasurements Minimum number of associated measured stars for a fitted star to be included in the fit (int, default 2)
minRefStarsPerCcd Minimum number of measuredStars per ccdImage before printing warnings (int, default 30)
outlierRejectSigma How many sigma to reject outliers at during minimization.
photometryDoRankUpdate Do the rank update step during minimization.
photometryModel Type of model to fit to photometry (str, default 'simple')
photometryRefObjLoader Reference object loader for photometric fit (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.loadIndexedReferenceObjects.LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig'>)
photometryVisitOrder Order of the per-visit polynomial transform for the constrained photometry model.
posError Constant term for error on position (in pixel unit) (float, default 0.02)
sourceFluxType Source flux field to use in source selection and to get fluxes from the catalog.
sourceSelector How to select sources for cross-matching (RegistryInstanceDict, default 'astrometry')
useInputWcs Use the input calexp WCSs to initialize a SimpleAstrometryModel.
writeChi2ContributionFiles Write initial/final fit files containing the contributions to chi2.
writeInitMatrix Write the pre/post-initialization Hessian and gradient to text files, for debugging.The output files will be of the form ‘astrometry_preinit-mat.txt’, in the current directory.Note that these files are the dense versions of the matrix, and so may be very large.

Methods Summary

setDefaults() Derived config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field defaults should do so here.

Attributes Documentation


Allow a line search during minimization, if it is reasonable for the model (models with a significant non-linear component, e.g. constrainedPhotometry). (bool, default False)


Order of the per-chip transform for the constrained astrometry model. (int, default 1)


Do the rank update step during minimization (should not change the astrometry fit). Skipping this can help deal with models that are too non-linear. (bool, default True)


Type of model to fit to astrometry (str, default 'simple')

Allowed values:

One polynomial per ccd
One polynomial per ccd, and one polynomial per visit
Field is optional

Reference object loader for astrometric fit (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.loadIndexedReferenceObjects.LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig'>)


Polynomial order for fitting the simple astrometry model. (int, default 3)


Order of the per-visit transform for the constrained astrometry model. (int, default 5)


Type of coadd, typically deep or goodSeeing (str, default 'deep')


Fit astrometry and write the fitted result. (bool, default True)


Fit photometry and write the fitted result. (bool, default True)


Matching radius between fitted and reference stars (arcseconds) (float, default 3.0)


Maximum number of minimize iterations to take when fitting photometry. (int, default 20)


Maximum number of minimize iterations to take when fitting photometry. (int, default 20)


Minimum number of measuredStars per ccdImage before printing warnings (int, default 100)


Minimum number of associated measured stars for a fitted star to be included in the fit (int, default 2)


Minimum number of measuredStars per ccdImage before printing warnings (int, default 30)


How many sigma to reject outliers at during minimization. (float, default 5.0)


Do the rank update step during minimization. Skipping this can help deal with models that are too non-linear. (bool, default True)


Type of model to fit to photometry (str, default 'simple')

Allowed values:

One constant zeropoint per ccd and visit
Constrained zeropoint per ccd, and one polynomial per visit
Field is optional

Reference object loader for photometric fit (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.loadIndexedReferenceObjects.LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig'>)


Order of the per-visit polynomial transform for the constrained photometry model. (int, default 7)


Constant term for error on position (in pixel unit) (float, default 0.02)


Source flux field to use in source selection and to get fluxes from the catalog. (str, default 'Calib')


How to select sources for cross-matching (RegistryInstanceDict, default 'astrometry')


Use the input calexp WCSs to initialize a SimpleAstrometryModel. (bool, default True)


Write initial/final fit files containing the contributions to chi2. (bool, default False)


Write the pre/post-initialization Hessian and gradient to text files, for debugging.The output files will be of the form ‘astrometry_preinit-mat.txt’, in the current directory.Note that these files are the dense versions of the matrix, and so may be very large. (bool, default False)

Methods Documentation


Derived config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field defaults should do so here. To correctly use inherited defaults, implementations of setDefaults() must call their base class’ setDefaults()